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The next morning, Arkyn went to go in search of his brother.
"Kol." He grinned. "There you are."
"Ark, you stayed?"
"Wipe that smirk off your face."
"No, I'm good."
"You're in an especially good mood." He realised and Kol shrugged.
"Why wouldn't I be? Mother's been dealt with, you're here with us. It'll be just like old times."
"Except you're mortal now."
"I'm alive. Better than being dead, mortal or otherwise."
"And where's Rebekah? The last I heard she sent me a vague voicemail about helping to get rid of Esther. What did you guys even do to her?"
"Well, mother planned to plop Rebekah into Cami's body, and I directed her into a different one, as per Nik's request. And as to what happened to Esther, does it matter?"
"When Finn inevitably comes for us, I'd like to know just how mad he'll be, so yes it matters."
"Bex fed her her blood, and Nik killed her. She in transition."
"That's..." he paused. "The Mikaelson way, I suppose."
"Don't tell me you'd forgotten that just because you spent three centuries away from us."
"Has your good mood anything to do with Davina?"
"Am I not allowed to be happy?"
"You forget who you're talking to." His phone chimed with a text.
"You should check that. Could be your little blonde."
"It really is just like old times." Arkyn rolled his eyes. "I'll leave you to get settled." He walked out, pulling out his phone.
Eleven, don't forget. It read. He smiled and headed back out of the abbattoir. Klaus passed him, Cami beside him.
"So you're still here?"
"For now." He shrugged.
"Take care of my sister, Arkyn." Cami said.
"What happened to 'stay away from my sister, Ark'?"
"Well, turns out you helped her when I couldn't and she considers you a friend."
"Tell her I had to go away for a little while, but I'll be back." Arkyn looked at Klaus.
"I'm taking her to... Elijah. Rebekah'll join them too."
"So I'm staying."
"I'd like that." Cami looked between the two men, their words rife with double meaning and tensions. 
"Sure, Nik." Arkyn said, using his brother's name deliberately. Klaus nodded and they parted ways. Cami let out the breath she didn't know she was holding.
"You two seem to be on good terms."
"He seems to believe there might be something in me worth saving."

Arkyn was outside Caitlyn's apartment. He sent her a message not wanting to face her roommate. She walked out, yelling a goodbye, and walked over to him.
"Normal people knock." She said.
"I'm not normal." He shrugged. "Vampire, remember?"
"Come on, buddy." She grabbed his arm until he fell into step with her, leading him down the busy streets.
"Buddy?" He asked.
"It's something I'm trying."
"Okay. So where are you taking me?"
"Coffee." She replied, simply, as though it explained everything. She stopped him at a small cafe. "Okay, I know you've been around for, like, a thousand years, and you've probably had every single type of coffee but trust me when I tell you, you haven't had better coffee than the one you're about to."
"You don't say." He smiled and she walked in. She headed straight to the counter and ordered for them both.
"So, Cassie told me how you met."
"Back when Bonnie and I were vacationing all around."
"You said she died."
"She did. A couple months ago."
"Okay, I just wanted make sure you didn't mean she was dead to you because of what she did."
"Bonnie didn't realise how wrong what she was doing was."
"Cassie said she tried to kill you or bring about your downfall. Something ominous like that."
"She was manipulated."
"How did she die?"
"She became something called an anchor. She kept this world tethered to the other side where supernatural beings went when they died. A few months ago, it collapsed... round about the time I came to town. And she died along with it."
"Oh my god. I'm sorry- I shouldn't have pried."
"It's okay." He said. "It's been months. I'd have to get over it sooner or later."
"I guess."
"So, I hear you're in New Orleans for good now?"
"Any reason in particular?"
"I guess I figured New Orleans has all the action. Vampires, witches. Besides, it gets boring on the road if you don't have anyone with you."
"Now that I understand." He grinned as a waitress came over and put down their coffees.
"Really? But you've been around for a thousand years and you have your siblings, right?"
"A few centuries back, I parted ways with my siblings. We didn't always get along. I found friends, but it wasn't easy having to be on the move every couple years at most."
"How long were you away from your siblings?"
"Three centuries."
"Holy shit." Her eyes widened. "Why for so long?"
"Like I said. I didn't always get along with my siblings."
"I guess after meeting Finn, that does make sense."
"Actually Finn's been in this mystical sleep for nine centuries. He woke up from it for like a week before Bonnie's friends killed him."
"The ex?"
"Yeah, although if it weren't for her then the rest of my siblings and I would still been linked to Finn and would have died along with him, so she actually kind of saved our lives."
"Was this before or after she was manipulated in trying to kill you?"
"As an apology?"
"I don't know. All I know is Klaus asked her to, and considering they hated each other I'm guessing he wasn't polite about it."
"I'm sorry, but your life sucks." She grimaced drinking her coffee. "I mean crappy siblings, crappy girlfriends."
"Not everyone in my life is so crappy." He laughed before changing the subject. "Hey this is pretty great, but not the best I've ever had."

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