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"Come on, your girlfriend's probably wondering where you are." Arkyn said, a little while later. "I'm sure the vampires have cleared off."
"Just one second." Kol said. "While I'm still being serious, because you and I both know I'm allergic to not kidding around longer than a minute."
"If you were allergic, a new body would've healed that. It's something deeper."
"Whatever it is that got you to forgive Nik and be by his side, whatever you're not telling me... just remember he's still Klaus. Don't fall for the same trap Rebekah always does. It won't be long before he gets over feeling guilty and goes after you again. Don't trust him, Ark. No matter what he says."
"I'm not going into this blind. I know what he's capable of." He held his brother's gaze and Kol nodded.
"Good." Kol said. "Now let's go. We don't need more of a reason for Davina to not like you."

Arkyn took his brother back to the quarter where the walked down the streets, looking for Davina. After a heartwarming embrace between Davina and Kol, Arkyn decided to leave the couple together. He walked to Caitlyn's apartment. Cassandra opened the door.
"Hi." She stared at him, her arms crossed.
"Caitlyn's asleep. Probably got something to do with all the blood loss." He nodded looking ashamed.
"I- thanks. I know you have no reason to trust or help me, but you did. So thanks."
"I saw your future. Your girlfriend betrayed you, tried to kill you and your family."
"You knew the specifics?"
"Not then. But after you left, over the months... things started to clear up. Usually, the readings I give out- they're small time. You triggered a huge vision. And the big ones... they continue over time. Be careful- you're in for one hell of a ride."
"Tell Caitlyn to stay away from me? I almost killed her." He said.
"Already did. She didn't seem inclined to listen."
"I almost killed her." He repeated.
"She sees something in you that's worth it. You don't get to choose whether she cares about you or not. You're her friend now, even if you don't consider her yours. She won't give up on you so easily. You're stuck with her, so don't screw it up."
"She's stubborn, isn't she?" He sighed and Cassandra cracked a smile. "Well, thanks for helping me." He said and she nodded. He walked away.

It was Caitlyn's turn to pay him a visit. She walked into the compound the next morning, somewhat confused by the lack of security, but still walked around looking for him.
"Ark?!" She called. "Hello?"  She headed up the stairs, yelling his name. "Anybody home?"
"Caitlyn." He walked out of his room, closing his door rather quickly.
"Hi." She said and looked at the room behind him. "That your room?"
"No it's... Klaus's."
"Yeah, okay." She scoffed and walked closer to him. "Are you okay?"
"All sane on this front." He said.
"Uh huh. And... are you okay?" She asked.
"I'm fine." He said. She reached up to his colour.
"You got blood on your shirt." She pointed at a small spot.
"A thousand years. You'd think I'd have learnt how to feed cleanly." He said, and pulled off his shirt. "Give me a second." He walked into his room. Caitlyn waited outside for a second before barging in.
"I got bored." She said, at his look. She gestured at the half empty blood bag on his table. "You can drink your blood, while I snoop."
"Snoop away. I don't have anything here." He said. He was crouched over a drawer. "As evidenced by the lack of clothing I own." He walked out of the room, and in to the one next door. She followed him.
"Who's room is this?"
"Your brother."
"Where is everyone?"
"Klaus is... I don't know. Haven't really spoken to him since yesterday. Kol's with Davina at his secret lair."
"Secret lair?"
"It's kind of a shrine to magic. Dark objects, crazy powerful spells. It's his thing."
"How can your brother be mortal? I mean, you're originals. How can one of you be human?"
"Kol died. Over two years ago- a couple months after Finn. My mother brought them both back with her depositing them all into the bodies of witches. So, like Finn Kol's in the body of a mortal warlock."
"Are he and Davina dating? I kinda got the sense she cares about him."
"Klaus said you've hated him for nine centuries."
"That's not true." Arkyn sounded offended as he pulled on a top. "I've only hated him for seven."
"And you haven't seen him in the past three... so for four centuries you've hated him?"
"Spend long enough with anyone and things can get testy."
"You cut ties with him for three hundred years. I'm guessing things got a little more than testy."
"Not just him. Rebekah and Elijah too. I kept up with Kol every once in a while. Whenever he could sneak away from our siblings."
"I know Klaus hurt you. Hurt someone you loved."
"Well, he's not exactly a poster boy for all things good."
"Why are you so determined to forget whatever he's done to you when it's obviously still haunting you?"
"He's my brother. He's done a lot of bad things, but he's changing. I guess he was bound to evolve at some point, but he's changing. Becoming better."
"Didn't he lock Kol with a bunch of hungry vampires?"
"I said he's changing not that he's changed."

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