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Arkyn had seen Alexis onto the plane and got in his car to go back to Arkansas. He was halfway there, and had heard about his siblings' plan. His siblings had decided he wasn't central to their plan- that it'd be odd for him to show up helping against Esther. But as he drove, he found a note in his pocket.
Mother wanted to use the bartender's sister against you. Find her, and look after her. Finn.
Arkyn swore and quickly got out his phone, calling Klaus.
"I need to talk to Cami." Arkyn said, hurriedly.
"I think Finn's free."
"Yes, we know."
"Esther's going after her sister."
"What?" Klaus asked.
"Esther's going after Cami's sister."
"Esther's no longer a problem."
"Then either she already set a plan in place and it's still in effect, or whatever you did to her hasn't stopped her like you think."
"Why would she be going after her?"
"I don't know."
"How do you know?"
"Finn sent me a message."
"It's a trap."
"Possibly. Just check on her, would you?"
"I will." Arkyn hung up, and continued driving, before groaning and doing a U-turn.

He got back to New Orleans fairly quickly, and was at the compound. Klaus walked up to him.
"We can't find her." Klaus said. Arkyn groaned and turned to go. "Where are you going?"
"To find her. Or Finn."
"Where are you going to look?"
"I don't know."
"Cami's little sister was barely a blip on the radar till you came. Why would Esther use her and why would Finn tell you?"
"I don't know, Klaus." Arkyn walked out. Klaus followed him. "What are you doing?"
"Coming with you."
"Why?" They saw Cami down the street and she hurried over to them.
"Where's my sister?"
"I don't know." Arkyn continued walking and they followed.
"Why would your brother take her?"
"I have no idea, Cami. Have you tried calling her?"
"I've tried everything."
"Kol's trying a locator spell right now, and we have vampires and werewolves scouring the city for her." Klaus added.
"So not only did your mother try to get Rebekah to possess my body, but she had a plan to also kidnap my little sister? Just perfect."
"Cami, is there any place your sister might be that we haven't checked?"
"No. What about you?"
"Are you sure? You did spend the night together."
"Okay, enough." Arkyn stopped and faced the bartender. "I bumped into your sister while I was changing my car tyre. She didn't want to go home, so I took her to a motel. We got separate rooms. The next morning, I took her to the church and left town. That's all there is to it."
"Careful, Cami. Whenever this one tells you the story's finished, it's a sure sign there's more he's not saying." Klaus smirked. Arkyn rolled his eyes and continued walking before hearing a crinkle in his pocket. He pulled out the note.
Father has her at that bar. He wanted her to be afraid. Be careful, he wants you to know this. Finn.
Arkyn swore and Cami frowned.
"What is it?" She gasped as he suddenly snapped Klaus's neck.
"Sorry, gotta do this alone." He said and sped away.

He got to the bar and looked around before walking in. There were humans all around, though none were reacting, obviously compelled. Caitlyn was sitting in a seat, her arms crossed. Arkyn looked around to look for his father or brother. He walked forward and Mikael stepped in his way.
"Hello, son." His lip curled cruelly.
"Mikael. I'd say it's a pleasure, but..." He rolled his eyes. "So did everyone stalk me when I came to New Orleans?"
"Ark, what's going on?" Caitlyn asked.
"Give me a second, and I'll take you home to your sister, okay?"
"There's another guy." She said quickly.
"I know. It's okay." He assured, and turned back to Mikael. "Why are you bringing her into this? I hope it's not to convince me to join you, because, it took you five years to give up the last time."
"I learned my lesson. You're far too loyal to that bastard."
"I'm not loyal to Klaus. I just won't help you kill him."
"And if you won't join me, I can't afford you helping him." Arkyn looked confused, and Finn walked out.
"Finn." Arkyn sound somewhat betrayed.
"Sorry brother."
"Let her go, first." Arkyn said. "I'm here, she's served her purpose. Let her go home." Mikael looked at his younger son, before nodding at Caitlyn.
"Go on then." Caitlyn slipped out of the chair, edging past Mikael. She stopped by Arkyn's side.
"It's okay, Caitlyn. Just go home to your sister, okay? Give her a call. Do you have your phone?" She shook her head. He pulled out his own. "Call her, but don't tell anyone where I am, Caitlyn."
"I'm not leaving you."
"You have to. Someone will explain all of this to you, but you have to go."
"Explain vampires and witches?" He looked past her at his father. "I remembered you and your super speed. I started remembering more about that night afterwards. It's New Orleans. Didn't take long to figure it all out. I'm not leaving."
"Your sister's worried sick."
"I'm worried about you." She frowned. "I don't want you to get hurt because of me." Finn twisted his wrist and Mikael fell to the ground, his neck snapped.
"He won't." Finn said and Arkyn met his brother's eyes. He nodded at Finn gratefully and the latter shrugged. "We're even now."
"Yeah." Arkyn picked up Caitlyn and sped them away.

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