The Fight

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 I woke up the next morning to the light streaming through my window. I rolled over to go back to sleep but as soon as I did my bedroom door was opened. "Morning princess," Bane called coming over and jumped on me crushing me against my bed. I groaned and tried to push him off but it was no use he weighed more than I could life. He was laughing at my struggling so I decided to mess with him and stop moving holding my breath to make it more believable.

"Princess? You good?" Bane sounded worried, he started to get off me so I took my chance and threw him off my bed and ran out of the room and down the stairs hearing a loud thumping coming up behind me. "Princess come back here."

"Make me," I shouted behind me as I continued to run into the living room where Kane was sitting reading his book. I ran and jumped on him, "Help!" He laughed and hugged me close to him as Bane ran into the living room quickly finding me.

"Brother, give her here she needs to learn her lesson." I yipped and dug myself farther into Kane, he laughed again.

"Why can't you two just kiss and make up." My face blushed at his words.

"With pleasure." Bane came over and grabbed me out of Kane's arms and pulled me up to him resting his lips on mine, he softly kissed me sending sparks of electricity up and down my body again, no lie it felt like an angel was kissing me. We were moving in sync, we were like that for what felt like hours before I pulled away. Smiling I sat back on the couch forgetting Kane was still behind me, my face went bright red in embarrassment as I hear both of them begin to laugh. I crawl off Kane and to the other end of the couch were I bring my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around them hiding my total embarassment. Suddenly the laughter dies out and the room tenses up, I glance up to see the other alphas had arrived.

The boys look over to me and notice I'm still in my pajamas, which was an oversized band t-shirt and a pair of neon gym shorts. They both glare at the other alphas as to tell them all to advert there eyes, they all hurriedly left the room only leaving me, Bane, Kane, and my mom and dad.

"Well I see your all getting along just swimmingly." My mom smiled warmly at us before walking away to the kitchen. My father came and sat next to us, he had a smile on his lips but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Harmony, dear, we need to talk about something." I nodded motioning for him to continue. "Last night after you went to bed there was some border trouble, we have reason to believe it's because the twins found there mate, as such I and the boys think it would be safer for you to leave early and to be in the safety of there pack." I nodded in understanding I reached forward to hug my dad for what might be the last time, as usually when one leaves the pack for a mate they don't always come back to there birth pack.

"Don't worry love, we'll make sure you come to visit as soon as the trouble has passed. You'll see each other again." I smiled at him thankfully, he seemed to always know what I was thinking.

"Go grab your bags darling we'll leave after breakfast." Bane smiled hopefully at me, I was excited and nervous to be completely honest. I knew even then that the thought of them leaving without me spending forever without them would be too difficult to bare.

"While your doing that I'll go grab the council to make this bond official." My father stood to leave the room. A surge of panic spread through me.

"Wait WHAT?!" They all turned to me, "Can't that wait till you know we get to know each other a little better solidify the bond more till we inform the council."

"Well yes but then we can't tell anyone about the bond and I really want to show you off." Bane smirked at me, I wanted them I knew that but the thought of making the bond 100% official was a terrifying thought.

"But why can't we just wait, get to really know each other before we involve the whole world." They all looked upset but more than others Bane looked destroyed, he had just started to show his good side to me and I fear this will be the cause to him shutting me out again.

"Fine! We'll all just wait for you! We can all put our life on hold for you!" Bane had moved to completely pissed off, I knew then any progress we had begun to make was gone. "In fact why don't you just reject us now and get it over with! We all know you've been thinking about it!"

"Bane it's not that I just..."

"Just what Harmony, what could you possibly say!"

"I....I just want..." I was cut off by Micheal, my father's beta running into the room in a panic covered in blood, rouge blood.

"Alphas come quick the rogues are attacking!"

In a matter of seconds we all ran outside shifting to fight off the rouges. To my right I noticed a rogue going after a group of young female pups who had yet to shift. I lept into action tackling the rouge to the ground pinning him trying to go for the kill, it was proving difficult before I knew it three more rouges were on me trying to get what seemed to be there leader free. One of them went for my neck, another on my leg, and finally one destroying my tail. I started to black out from blood loss and soon the rogues were able to throw me off the one and threw me to the side, I whimpered in pain, as I watched the four rogues run off with the rest. The last thing I remember was the scent of wet sagebrush, then everything went black.


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