The packing and the game

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"I'll stay and watch." Kane stated and went to sit on the bed. I wasn't going to convince anyone to let me stay here and run the pack so I gave in and started packing to leave. I went in the room and grabbed my band t-shirts, camis, sweatpants, and jeans off the floor and through them in my huge duffel bag walking to the closet I grabbed my boots, sneakers, and comfortable flats throwing those in my bag as well. I started to go through the bag my mom put together and pulled out anything to unbearable, basically a dress that was too short and too tight, a pencil skirt the always dug into my stomach, and a pair of slacks that had not fit for three years. Kane was watching me as I packed things and threw things, he picked up the dress that I had tossed out and secretly tried to put it back in the bag, I let him do so without telling him that I'd caught him. I went to the bathroom connecting to my room and grabbed my small makeup bag which was basically a tiny bag that only contained a single eye shadow, lip gloss, lipstick, and chapstick, and mascara. Grabbing my hair brush and hair clips, toothbrush and toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, and body wash, and threw them all in a medium sized duffle bag.

Basically this went on for about an hour, a minor argument had broken out between me and my mom over my obsession with sweatshirts and fast forward an hour I was all packed for my move to the Black Moon pack. Kane had quietly whispered that he'd take me shopping for anything else I wanted when we got to his pack. When we were done I layed in bed next to Kane and we chatted for a while.

"I got it! Let's play a game!" I was yelling excitedly.

"What game?" Kane was looking at my comforter that was covered in tiny wolves.

"20 Questions," he groaned at my suggestion but I knew he'd play if it made me happy, he finally nodded his head in agreement. "Perfect so ok, favorite color?"

"Blue or red." He stated while playing with my stuffed raccoon, "Why a raccoon?"

"Huh, of my stuffed animal, I guess it was a gift when I broke my leg, it happened before my wolf manifested and I had to be on house arrest of two months to let it fix, my mom bought it for me to keep me company while they did pack work." I grabbed the raccoon from him and hugged it close to me as I remembered the two months of pain. "Hmmm, ok what's your wolfs name?"

"Jason," He looked sideways at me as to figure out why I'd asked. "You thought about rejecting us." He wasn't questioning he knew that I had.

"Yeah, it was a thought but as quickly as it came, I had dismissed it. I knew I'd never be able to, I don't know if it's the mate bond or if I have already fallen in love with you two but the thought of hurting you guys.... I wouldn't be able to live with myself." I sighed knowing the undeniable truth was if I ever wanted to reject them it would me.

"So, you're not going to? It'd destroy Bane, he's so sensitive." I wanted to laugh at the thought of Bane being sensitive but it wasn't the time.

"No, I never could reject either of you... anyway it's your question."

"Can I kiss you." I blushed hard I knew my face was bright red, but I couldn't lie I wish he would.

"Yes," he leaned down and connected his lips with mine sending thousands of sparks through my skin it felt so nice. He pulled away before the kiss could deepen, smiling down at me probably making me blush even harder if that was possible.

"Your question." He gave an award winning grin as he grabbed my raccoon from me and continued to play with it.

"You seriously expect me to follow that up with my crummy questions?" I stared at him like he was insane, he was ready to lugh, I didn't understand how this one person could make me so happy.

"You just did sweetheart." He started to laugh, goddess his laugh was so beautiful I never wanted him to stop.

"Ok you two, It's time for dinner." Bane was standing at the door smiling at us, I smiled back and got up to walk to the door but Bane stopped me there. "Oh miss unfair I believe you owe me something." He smirked down at me, I wanted to be mad at him for earlier but with that smirk and his beautiful eyes that held such a childish hope I couldn't be. I stood on my tip toes trying to get my 5'3" frame up to his 6' 4" proving more difficult than one would think. He leaned down to help me with my shortness, I gave him a small kiss on the cheek but as I was pulling away he pulled me into an actual kiss. My face went red but after a moment I started to kiss back but he didn't pull away as his brother had instead he continued to deepen the kiss until I pulled away breathing hard. He smirked, grabbed my hand and pulled me into a bear hug.

I don't know how long we stood there but when we were done we all headed downstairs, all of the alphas had been shown to the guest pack house to retire to there rooms. My mom and dad were watching a movie on the flat screen and the smell of pizza filled the downstairs coming from the kitchen. The pizza Sarah made was always the best, just the right amount of toppings, thin crust, and white sauce so no one got heartburn. Today she made tomato, spinach, and garlic pizza. 'Yummy' Calla was excited and had been since Kane kissed us then got even more restless when Bane did, she was loving being so close to our mates and I couldn't lie so did I.

"Mmm something smells good." I stated walking into the kitchen to watch Sarah cook. She smiled at me and pointed to the small plate of grapes she had set out of me as a small snack before dinner. "Your the best!" I ran over to claim my grapes, she and the boys started chuckling at me. "Don't laugh it's not funny! It's yummy!" They laughed harder, i just plopped a grape into my mouth and called it good.

We all ate pizza and talked through dinner getting to know each other better, we watched a movie which I fell asleep halfway through.


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