Beauty and the Tragedy

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Leliana and Male Werewolf Reader 

A/n I know it took me over a month to do, but I needed the money and work had called a lot

For @Azureman136 , sorry it took it's time, but I hope you enjoy it!

Even though the curse had been destroyed, only some had returned to normal. Maybe there was something missing or maybe the Warden had made the wrong choice, but what could they do now?

Y/n did return to a human form, just like the rest of the cursed except Y/n could still feel the wolf within him. It was as though the two had become one and whoever Y/n once was, would never be the same. 

Y/n could choose to change from beast to man just as easy as one could change his clothes. But with every positive, there had to be a negative. And that negative was the fact that sometimes his emotions affected . And boy, were his emotions a mess. 

The last thing he had heard from the pack before the curse had lifted was that a Warden had set found a way to lift the curse. He hadn't been there in person as he was out with a group of others doing a couple of errands.

Maybe this Warden could help? It was worth a shot, surely?

After having an audience with the newest Dalish Keeper, she revealed to Y/n the location of the Warden's camp, also adding that she could send a message in advance through the messenger she had residing in the campsite to which Y/n declined. He'd rather just go in person.

It took a couple of days but finally, Y/n could see the camp. 

A growl rumbled within the campsite upon Y/n's appearance, then loud barking. The barking continued to grow louder and louder until the brown blurred lump had Y/n pinned underneath it. 

By instinct or because of the inner wolf within him, Y/n growled back.

"What have you found there, good boy?" A sweet, feminine voice called from behind what seemed to be a war Mabari. The mabari pranced off of Y/n, allowing the owner of the voice to be seen. 

And within the first look, something inside Y/n felt different. A nice different. As though his inner wolf wanted this person. To be honest, Y/n didn't blame his inner wolf for wanting her. She was gorgeous!

She had shoulder length red hair and striking blue eyes that felt as if they could see straight into Y/n's soul. She seemed kind and caring but at the same time, she seemed strong and fierce. 

"Who are you?" She asked, preparing to draw a dagger from it's sheath on her left hip. Y/n sat on the ground, still dazed. "I asked who you are,". Her tone started to become more harsh, snapping Y/n out of his dazed state.

"My name's Y/n" Y/n replied as he started to stand "I'm not here for a fight, by the way,"

"Then what is your purpose?" the lady asked, relaxing a bit has her hand stopped hovering near her dagger. 

"I'm looking for the Warden. She recently lifted a curse and I need to know what she knows about it," Y/n explained as he dusted himself off. The lady nodded and turned around, gesturing with her head for Y/n to follow. 

Y/n found himself standing face to face with a small female elf who looked nothing like he had imagined her to be. He had imagined a fierce and strong female Grey Warden, not this small cute looking elf. 

"So what do you want to know?" She asked as she gestured for them both to take a seat near the camp fire. 

"Something must have gone wrong when the curse was lifted. I'm still not fully human. Where is the one who cursed us? Maybe they can help me," Y/n questioned, desperate to find a way to fix himself. 

"The only way to lift the curse was for him to sacrifice himself. He's dead," The Warden sighed. "How are you still not fully human? You seem fine to me?"

"It's better to show you," Y/n responded as he stood, feeling the beast take over. 

After that, Y/n joined the Warden and her crew. Only the Warden knew of Y/n's secret and that was how he intended for it to stay until he found himself wanting a certain red head. The exact red head he met to begin with, Leliana. 

He spent ages ignoring the feeling of his inner wolf calling for her and it was agony. As though this feeling was pulling his heart and it was hard. What if he were to forever be like this? He was a tragedy and he knew it. How could she love a mess?

Until one day, during a fight in Ferelden, did Y/n lose control of his anger. And the beast had been set loose. The enemy didn't stand a chance.

By the time Y/n had managed to calm himself down and transformed back to himself, it had already been too late. The enemy lay torn and ripped to shreds around him with their blood still dripping from his mouth. 

The others stood nearby, some with looks of awe and others with looks of fear. Y/n couldn't bear to look at Leliana. She was probably scared of him now. Without sparing Leliana the slightest glance, he ran. 

He heard the Warden call out to him but it was too late. He was long gone. 

Leliana waited at the camp. It had been days since Y/n had run away. She couldn't help but be concerned for him, especially with the Darkspawn not far away from Ferelden. She hadn't known him for long, but she still felt something for him. But he hadn't come back.

Eventually, after becoming sick of waiting and worrying for her fellow companion and friend, she decided to visit the places nearby the camp which she would see him run off to when he felt himself losing to his emotions. They were quiet, secluded places she would quietly follow him to, making sure she wouldn't be seen by him.

After checking the first two spots, she slowly started to approach the final spot, hoping that she would find him there. But as she walked into his final hiding spot, he wasn't to be seen anywhere. Maybe he was gone for good.

"Leliana?" A male voice gasped in a questioning manner from within the bushes behind her. She squeaked in surprise and quickly snapped around to look in the direction of the voice. To her surprise, there stood Y/n. 

He looked a little worn and battered, as though he had just came out of a fight. His clothes were tattered and old, slightly ripped in places. He looked a little sad and unsure like he was imagining her being there.

She could feel tears forming as she raced to Y/n, tackling him into a hug which sent them both crashing to the ground. 

"Why didn't you come back?!" She cried, burying her head into his chest as she sobbed. "What if you died?!"

Y/n laid underneath Leliana in shock. She wasn't afraid of him?

"Leliana. I- I'm-"

"Just shut up," Leliana interrupted, pulling Y/n into a passionate kiss and in that moment Y/n's inner wolf was silent and Y/n felt human again.  

She wasn't afraid of him. Why would she be afraid of him?

He was a beautiful tragedy and she loved him for it.

Dragon Age Various x Reader OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon