I Am My Own

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Fenris and Reader

"I am no longer your slave!" Fenris yelled. His lyrium markings started glowing a bright blue and he prepared to attack Danarious where he stood.
"You child," he pointed towards me. "I've heard about you,". I stood there silently at first, listening to Fenris growl.
"I can help you find your younger sister, Grace. You were so young when you two were split. How's it like living in the alienage an orphan?" He sneered at me. My legs slightly buckled and I took a step back.
"You don't know anything you lying, deceiving, rich tit!" I snapped back. I felt myself shaking. I considered it, I really did. A chance to find my sister just like Fenris had? I want to take it.
"She ran away from the circle," Danarious stated. "I've seen her in Tevinter. She looks slightly like you,". She...was a Mage?
"There's something you aren't telling me!" I hissed, trying to sound convincing.
"She's one of the best blood mages I know," he replied with a grin. I let myself fall to my knees.
"She's...a monster," I whispered to myself.

The alienage I had lived in for the time was attacked by blood mages. Those I called family for the time being lay slaughtered around me. Demons and their blood mages ran around causing chaos and destruction everywhere they went. I may have been the only survivor.

"You two already ran into each other once before," Danarious grinned mischievously. "You just didn't notice. Maybe because you couldn't have thought that it was your sister running around causing chaos?".
"Shut up!" I yelled, feeling the the urge to kill them all rise. I could feel Fenris' eyes on me, they burned into the back of my head.

I stood up, holding out my long sword and dagger ready. Then I charged, feeling myself being fuelled with anger. The dead rising from the ground didn't concern me as much as I continued to sprint towards Danarious.
"(Y/n) no!" Fenris yelled and I felt myself stop 3 metres before Danarious. His magic shield was up and the dead surrounded him.

"You fucking coward!" I growled at Danarious. "You claim to be a great Magister yet you can't fight your own battles!". Danarious cackled from behind his shield as Fenris and I destroyed his little puppets. Fenris' sister stood there in fear as heads were sliced off.

As soon as all his puppets were gone, Fenris and I stood amongst the blood and corpses that lay around Danarious. Danarious was now exhausted and out of mana, leaving him defenceless. Fear etched his evil features and his eyes spoke that of mercy.

But none was given. And now, Danarious lay dead in his pile of puppets, his heart squished on his chest. Fenris is free now.

"Thank you for your help (Y/n)," Fenris slightly smiled at me before facing his sister.
"Leto. I'm sorry," she started. I started zoning out as I watched Fenris' expression change again. He became angry; his features turning dark. I could feel his anger and pain of being betrayed.

But before I could speak, Fenris glowed a blue before pulling out his sister's heart. It took one last beat in his hand before going silent. I've seen a whole heap of gore before, but for some reason I closed my eyes.

Memories swarmed my head as well as the pain that came with them. Flames, pain, death and chaos. Children cried for any parent, screaming their names. Male and female mages ran around in fancy Tevinter robes and waving their staffs. Fire balls, lightning, ice and more destructive spells were casted. But one person stood out. A child older than me but still that of a child. She had noticed me and even started coming at me but heard another noise and left.


I remember the ashes remaining around me. Coal marking the grounds and foul stenches could be smelt. Those that weren't fully dead hobbled or dragged themselves out of harms way as much as they could. But were eventually found and slaughtered.
That girl, she must have been my sister.

"(Y/n)!" Fenris snapped me out of my thoughts. His hands gripped my shoulders tight and his facial expression wore that of concern. "Are you alright?! Were you hurt?!"

"I'm fine, I think," I put on a smile. "Just light headed,". He still studied me, looked into my eyes to see if I was telling the truth. A thought hit me and my face turned red in a blush making me look down embarrassed.

"How does it feel being of your own? No longer being owned," I asked as he let me go.
"I am my own. No longer being a desired object means a lot more than I thought. I am free," he sighed in content. "Although, there is one thing I do not own,".

"And what is that?" I asked curiously.

"I do not own my heart. That belongs to you," he smiled. He genuinely smiled at me.

"F-Fenris," I stuttered for a reaponse but none came. He shuffled over to me, being less than an inch away from me. I could feel his breath on my lips. His eyes looked deep into mine and his arms wrapped around me.

"I am yours,"

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