I Still Love You

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Zeveran and Reader

"Ir'abelas Ma Vhen'an," I held my head down in shame. "I still love you, with all my heart,"

My eyes wondered around, burning the beautiful image I can see from the edge of the cliff I am standing upon. The sun sets with beautiful shades of reds, pinks and oranges which reflected onto the sea. The Waking Sea.

"..And to be accompanied by a beautiful maiden such as yourself," Zeveran smiled flirtatiously.
"I am beautiful?"  I questioning the male elf. Not believing him at all.
"You truly don't believe you are beautiful. The thing is (y/n), you are,".

When things had turned bad, I found myself in Denerim. In Denerim watching the Waking Sea.
I've never seen anyone come around here before. No one knows of my hiding spot. The Warden is probably off helping Orzammar at the moment and promised to send word when she was arriving back at Denerim.

"What was your life like beforehand (Y/n)?" Lelianna asked as we all sat around the campfire.
"Does it matter what my life was beforehand? I am that of the elven kind, the ones everyone else would look down upon," I sighed deeply.
"Because your past is what makes you today," Lelianna smiled at me through the fire pit.
"I was born into a Dalish Clan near the Free Marches. We were a strong clan consisting of over 30 of our kind. All of us were born and raised within this clan. All except Pal. There was something off about him and I told my suspicions to the Keeper but he still allowed Pal to join.
That was when all things went down hill. Weapons that weren't tied or strapped on you disappeared and food supplies started depleting. I knew something bad was up with Pal.
Trevinter Magisters attacked our clan, taking who they could and killing off the others.
I was too pretty to kill off. I was priceless. Worth so much that Magisters would fight each other just to have me within their gasps," I explained, not going into full details.
"What happened next?" The Warden asked, leaning in closer as she did.
"The Magisters were too caught up in fighting each other that I escaped... I couldn't save the others. I don't know where they are," I frowned, looking up towards the sky.

The sun had finished setting by the time I had set up a camp fire and tent for myself. It was colder than I had thought but I'd rather out here than in a city where elves are slaves and low lives.
I sat near my camp fire, keeping myself warm as I listened to the roaring of the ocean when a twig snapped nearby me. I jumped up quickly with my weapons in my hand, ready to fight for my life if need be.

"Zev..." I paused to take in a deep breath, "can we talk? In private?".
"Shall I be joining you within your tent? This shall be interesting!" Zeveran smiled cheekily but I had already walked off into my tent.
"Here I am," Zeveran stated as he entered the tent, "what shall we be discussing? Whereabouts on the ground your clothing shall be tossed?".
"Zeveran...I..I have gained...no...I have feelings towards you,"

"Is this how you treat all your friends?" Zeveran smiled even with my blade pointed at his neck.
"Zeveran?!" I gasped, "I thought I was going to be attacked!". I quickly sheathed my weapon and started walking back towards the campfire when I was pulled back. I was now face to face with Zeveran, his lips so close to mine.
"(Y/n)," his husk voice sent chills to cascade down my spine.

"I too, find myself attracted to you and not in my usual way either," Zeveran whispered loud enough for me to hear. He approached me fast, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into him. His lips brushed against mine sending me into a state of shock. It didn't take long for me to start kissing back though.
His hands slide back towards the back of my leather armour, tugging lose the strings holding my armour together. With a slight thud, all my armour was on the floor of my tent. I was left in just my under garments.
Zeveran pulled away to take in my features, smiling at the sight he saw.

"Zeveran" I exhaled. I wanted him to pull me into him, feel his lips upon mine again. But he was no longer mine and I did not want to risk it so I pulled myself away.
"Ir'abelas Ma Vhen'an," I held my head down in shame. "I still love you, with all my heart".
Zeveran stood in front of me silent.
"The memories you and I shared within this short time like the time we did your hair or the time you first stole my heart. I remember them all. I still love you Zeveran, even if you don't love me anymore," I blurted out sadly but felt relieved afterwards.

We lay together under the sheets. No clothes, just us the way we were born. I was in a tight hug in his arms with my face leaning against his chest. Warmth radiated off him and it kept me warm, made me feel safe.
Is this what love feels like?

"(Y/n)," Zeveran finally spoke.
Is this what love is truly like? Like a piece of glass ready to shatter as soon as it is dropped. To feel highs and lows with someone but still love them the same.
"My heart, is yours," Zeveran smiled as he pulled me into a kiss.

I love you

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