Chapter 8: The Only One

Start from the beginning

He humiliated me and then left to a different Alpha because I was outnumbered? Yeah, It was 100 against 1 but he could have stayed with me and we could have went down with pride and now he just tucked his tail behind his back and left me!

I was on the verge of shifting when I heard my name being called from the murderous wolves.

"Jennifer!" I snapped my head to the familiar voice and then I staggered back as I realized who it was.


What is my mother doing on my enemy's side? Or is it my mates side? With the way he was acting, it was more like my enemy.

A thought crossed my mind. He wouldn't kill me...would he? No, he would be basically killing himself! But then again, he has to actually like me in order to feel any pain in losing me. I think?

My mom was still calling my name but I didn't want to answer back.

So instead, I raised my head. I looked at my mother but my eyes travelled next to her to see my brother and his mate just standing there.

Betrayal was etched in my face and tears filled my eyes as I noticed my brother standing there.

"No." I said still not believing it. My brother was the complete opposite of my father which made him a good person at heart. He would never betray me. He loved me and would never go against me. As for my mother, I knew she loved me too after all the times I had saved her from my father.

Carter stepped forward but I stepped back. Hurt filled his eyes as he hesitated.

"How could you?" One question. One question described the incredible betrayal I felt.

"You don't understand! We had too!" His hands fisted at his sides as he begged me to understand.

I heard a chuckle coming from the middle of the wolves and my head snapped to him. My mate was laughing at me?

"What's your problem?!" I was tired of his behavior and I just blurted out what was on my mind.

This man, my mate, was pissing me off. I was shaking now but with anger and I needed to take it out. My feet moved by themselves as I made my way towards him.

The sea of werewolves parted as I stomped forward and once I reached him I shoved him.

He stepped back as he tried to catch himself from the force of my shove.

I don't know what came over me. I was hurt and angry at his reaction and now my anger was controlling my movements.

"What did I ever do to you? Hmm? You barley met me!" I yelled at him as I poked his chest. "You don't know me!"

Watching his eyes, I saw emotions sifting through his mind. First, I saw anger but then pride and then anger that turned into hate. Hate? He hates me?

The thought made me sad but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of my tears. Besides he's a terrible being that I should not cry over!

He suddenly grabbed my wrist and squeezed it hard enough for me to cry out in pain.

"No! Please! Don't hurt her!" My mother cried to Mr. King but he didn't listen as he squeezed tighter, his eyes narrowing with every sound that came out of my mouth.

Apparently, nobody knew he was my mate and apparently my own mate acted like I wasn't his mate. He couldn't hurt me! It's impossible! How is he doing this without coming to my aid or at least stopping his death hold.

I was struggling to get out of his hand but with every struggle came an even tighter squeeze.

Carter appeared in front of me but he was still facing my mates back. He put his hand on his shoulder but my mate shrugged it off. His eyes were on mine. He was watching me and my reaction.

As much as I tried to contain my groan I couldn't. He was squeezing to the point where it was breaking, his eyes darkening even further.

"L-let go of my h-hand!" I finally cried as I tried to stare him down.

A crooked smile appeared on his face which would have taken my breath away but considering how I was already gasping in pain, it was hard to do that.

And then with one quick motion he twisted my arm to the side.

I screamed and fell to the floor on my knees as my shoulder dislocated as well as my wrist broke. I heard the voices of my mother and brother and some members of my pack shout at once.

I was to tears by now. "WHY!" I asked him in rage. Why would he break my wrist?

His emotionless face made me cringe.

"Because-" he kneeled at my side as I cradled my shoulder and arm. I looked down but he grabbed my cheeks and squeezed them as he forced me to look at him. "-their can only be one."

Only one what? Way to be vague douchbag!

After squeezing my cheeks once more he pushed me away. I fell to the floor and the only thing keeping me from bawling my eyes out was hatred. Hatred filled my mind for my mate. He hurt me and now I was going to hurt him. Without making a sound I popped my shoulder back in place and fixed my wrist. I could already feel my shoulder healing but my wrist was going to take at least a few hours. Or days, like my stupid leg.

Keeping my arm safe at my side, I stood up. He followed my movement as I got into a fighting stance probably reading my body language that I was not backing down.

"Well, Mr. Alpha King, I believe their is already one. Me." Even though I had know idea what he meant I had to let him know I wasn't taking his bullshit.

So, as soon as I said that, I brought back my good arm and punched him right in the face.

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