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*Daegan's POV*

I started walking over to Aaron's house. We have a date tonight. When I got there 5 minutes later, I knocked on the door. "Hey." He said as he opened the door. "Hey." I said then kissed his cheek. "Come on let's go." He said then opened the door for his truck.

When we got to the place, Aaron got a phone call from Matthew. He answered it and said "hello?" I heard matthew from the other line crying. He told Aaron to get to the hospital quick.

*Caitlynn's POV*

I'm so mad and sad at the same time. But mostly depressed. What do I do? Whatever. I'm going for a drive. I got in my car and started driving when I got a text from Matthew. I looked down at it and my hand slipped off the wheel.

I then couldn't see. My eyes were open, but I was blinded. That was when my eyes started closing real slowly. No. Caitlynn. Don't close your eyes. Don't. Stop.

Too late.

*Matthew's POV*

What did I do? I'm so horrible. She wrecked because of me. She was driving because of me. Because I cheated. I'm such a horrible person.

I sat in the waiting room cursing myself out in my head and basically yelling at myself in my head too. I'm such a jerk. I don't even know what I was thinking really.

When everyone got there, they came up to me and asked me what happened. I told them that I had gotten a phone call saying my 'girlfriend' had gotten into a very bad car wreck. She's not in good condition at all. I could kill myself right now honestly.

*1 Week Later. Caitlynn's POV*

I woke up with a bunch of people standing in the room. Where am I? "Um... Hello...?" I said as more of a question. "OH MY GOD CAITLYNN!" A boy with brown hair and brown eyes. He was pretty cute too. He ran up to me and hugged me...

"Who are you people?" I asked them. A guy with very beautiful blue eyes and brown hair walked up to me and said, "You got in a car wreck Caitlynn. Do you not remember us?" He said and kind of choked a little while his voice cracked.

"Um... Sorry. No. I have no idea." I said back. "Well my name is Hayes." He said back. "I'm Nash. His older brother." Another guy said that pointed to 'Hayes'. He had really pretty blue eyes too.

*Matthew's POV*

This is my chance to get her back. I can do this. Everyone had introduced theirselves but me.

I then walked up to her and said, "I'm Matthew. Your loving boyfriend." And then I kissed her cheek.

Okay. Either this can go really good, then bad... Or it can go bad. And maybe get friend zoned. I love her though.

I got pulled into the hallway by Hayes. "Um... Dude... What the fuck are you doing? You broke her heart. I fixed it. She's mine now." He snapped at me. "Look. I'm sorry. But she's not yours. I don't know whatever you guys talked about, but I made a mistake and I will never do it again." I said promising him.

"She's going to find out and you know it." He said back. "Well if she does, she'll know how much I wanted her back."

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