Real Shit Update

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Okaaaaaaay so. I'm currently writing a new chapter I swear. But my seizures have gotten worse lately. I have emotional seizures. Which means if I get super happy,stressed,sad etc I have a seizure. I'm sifting through trauma I've buried for 18 years and it's causing me chaos. Soo I promise I'm updating. Yesterday I had to visit the hospital because I had 6 seizures! My work didn't care so I'm looking for a new place to work. Also juggling my first poly relationship 🥰 I have a boyfriend and currently working on getting a girlfriend. Right now she is my sub/little so yay! So please be patient with me. Also dyed my hair!! I love all of you

Saved By DaddyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ