Dad..You Are Alive??

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Jackson's P.O.V

I wake up and see my little one sleeping next to me and smiling for once. I decide I need to get up and make her some breakfast. I slowly get my arm out from around her and I walk down the stairs. I see Olivia and toby cuddling in the living room and I put some toast in the toaster and get some peanut butter and jelly ready. I then make some pancakes since I know they are her favorite. Olivia walks in and sniffs and smiles.

"smells like pancakes" she says

"it is. I'm making some for everyone"

she squeals and toby runs in

"what happened?!"

I chuckle

"she is just excited I'm making pancakes"

I put the batter on the pan and flip it till it's golden brown and put some on a plate. The toast pops up and I put the peanut butter and jelly on it.

"so why was emma crying happiness the other day?" asks Olivia

"i asked her to move in with me and she said yes" I said smiling

"good job man! Finally proud you found someone who loves you and treats you right!"

I nodded in agreement and and finished the pancakes and made my self coffee and took a drink and smiled. I swear i'm not me without coffee.

"so when you gonna do that??"  toby asks while Olivia is digging into her pancakes

"today actually" I say

I put some stuff on the plate and bring it up when I hear a amazing sound coming from Emma's room. Olivia smiled widely and runs up and listens in.

"what is she doing?? what music is she playing the girl sounds breathtaking!" Olivia giggles

"silly she is singing now shh she doesn't sing in front of anyone hardly ever!"

I nod and listen in

"Without You I Feel Broke Like I'm Half Of A Whole, Without You I I've Got No Hand To Hold, Without You I Feel Torn Like A Sail In A Storm, Without You I'm Just A Sad Song"

she sounds like an angel!! She smiles and blushes. I walk in and she jumps but relaxes when she sees it is just me. I sit next to her and hold out the food. Eat princess please. She nods and eats it.

"today wear some stuff you don't mind getting dirty because we are moving today if that is okay with you princess" she nods

"We won't be moving far will we daddy??" she asks

"no princess I live about 30 minuets away so don't worry babygirl okay?? After we are done eating we will get dressed for the day and pack okay??" I say and she smiles

"i will be right back okay?? Daddy has to go eat some food"

I go downstairs and eat some toast with eggs. I finish and go upstairs to see my princess in some shorts, hair pulled up, no makeup on and a red flannel. I smile and kiss her

"beautiful as always" I say and she blushes. 

I wash our dishes and put them away and we begin to pack. We decided to start with her clothes.

Emma's P.O.V

 i'm seriously so lucky I mean like look at me. I have the best daddy in the world when just a few months ago I was cutting and in a horrible relationship. I am so lucky

                                                         3 HOURS LATER

We are taking a break right now and I am so worn out!! I'm eating some chips and sandwhich and drinking a cherry slushie!! So lucky hehe. I decide to go up now to my almost empty room as daddy calls the moving truck. I go into my room and open my box. I hold the picture of my dad and begin to cry. I grab the book he gave me which was full of fairytales which he gave me. I throw it and see a note come out. I go and pick it up.

"My Dearest Emma,

If you are reading this then you have been reading the book I have givin you and that means you are sad. Please angel don't cry. But that also means that your mother has said I died which is not true. she forced me out of the house and since I am only your step dad not by marriage I couldn't take you with me. I'm so sorry that you could not come with me and I wish I didn't have to do what I did. I just hope she didn't do anything to you. I hope you can forgive me. If you would ever like to chat my number is 235-657-8929. It would be a dream come true to talk to my daughter my angel. If you do not forgive me I understand that as well. just know I do love you so much and never meant to hurt you.


 I scrambled and picked up my phone and dialed the number.

Ring Ring Ring Ring

"hello??" a groggy voice answered and I knew it from anywhere. it was my dad 

I couldn't speak and only cry

"hello?? If this is a prank call I will call the police!"

I hung up and fell to the ground and Cried. Everyone rushed in and I gave Olivia the note as Jackson held me. She gasped and covered her mouth

"do you forgive him??" she asked

"i don't know....." I said honestly

"princess I get you are angry but he seems really sorry. But let's finish packing and you can think about it later ok??" he says

I nod. Seems like a good idea right now honestly. I went back and came face to face with my blades. I took a deep breath and dumped them.

                                                          2 HOURS LATER

We finished moving things into the truck and I kept feeling someone watching me but I thought it was just my nerves so I shook it off. I walked back into the house and hugged olive and toby.

"thank you guys so much for everything. Thank you for letting me stay here and for never getting mad at me even when I did stupid stuff. I'll only be 30 minuets away guys. Love you." I said tearfully.

Olivia hugged me crying and said she loved me to.  I got into the car and off we drove to his house.

                                                           1 CAR RIDE LATER

I have to admit it is beautiful in here. His house is big and I seen our room and my little room!! EHEHEEHEH. After we finished putting the boxes in the rooms daddy said I could unpack and paint tomorrow since it was late tonight. I nodded and we started to watch t.v when someone knocked at the door. daddy got the door and he looked back at me. I stood up and he moves as I seen my dad standing there. He waved

"hi angel" he said nervously.

"dad you are alive??" I asked

"i am i missed yo--"

I punched him as hard as I could as he fell back slightly


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