Painting And Park

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Emma's P.O.V

I get changed into some shorts and a red flannel while I put up my hair then put on my glasses and I smile at myself then go downstairs to my daddy. I see him and he pulls out grey and baby pink paint and I squeal. How did he know?! I love that color stuffs!! We go into my room and I smile as we begin to paint.

Jackson's P.O.V

I watch as my baby girl starts painting and she seems so focused I cant help but smile. Her tongue is sticking out and her  eyes are so focused. I bought her some stuff to add to her room and I am pretty sure she will love them. But that's secret because I know she doesn't like me buying her things. I continue painting the higher parts in her room and I hear her giggle when all of a sudden I feel something cold on my back. I turn around and see her giggling and covering her mouth and I see a paintbrush in her hand. I take off my shirt and look hen I see some pink paint and I chuckle at her.

"well princess why did you do that??" I ask

"now you wook spiffy!!" she says proudly

"well looks like daddy isn't going to be wearing a shirt until we are done painting" I say

"i not compwaining!!" she says and continues painting

I go up behind her and put some grey paint on her as well and she squeals then turns around

"DADDY!!!!!!!!!!!" she screams

"inside voices princess" I say

"daddy!!" she says

"i made you look spiffy" I say

"well I still wook fabalus!!" she says and giggles

"you always do baby girl" I say and she blushes

We continue painting and a few hours later we are done. We go downstairs and we eat but I see her fidget with the food and I glace at her to see her eyebrows furrowed together

"princess why aren't you eating?" I ask

Emma's P.O.V

the voice in my head begins to talk about how fat I am and other things and it kills me.

"princess why aren't you eating??" daddy asks

"da voice in my head is saying dat I is fat" I say sniffling

Stop crying you fucking pathetic baby!! says the voice

"princess the voice is wrong you aren't fat at all you are skinny I promise! You are perfect just the way you are" he says

just eat and then puke it up you will be fine says the voice


I begin to eat and cant help but cringe. I finally finish and ask to go potty which he says yes. I go to the bathroom and turn on the sink so he doesn't hear me and I stick my finger down my throat puking up my meal and I do it again and again fearing the thought of gaining weight. I flush the toilet then wipe off my mouth and brush my teeth so he doesn't know.


I walk out and greet him with a smile and he returns the smile and hugs me.

"lets go to the park huh??" he says and I nod quickly

Jackson's P.O.V

I decide to take her to the park and have toby and the moving boys move in the things I got for her. She nods and gets ready while I text toby

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