He shakes his head. "Sorry Peg. I'm in no way saying that I thought it was you or that I don't trust you but with all the leaks that we've had going on within S.H.I.E.L.D you just never know who's wandering ears might be hanging around. I had to protect my growing family. I didn't want to put them at risk at all after seeing everything that you guys go through.

Finally Peggy huffs and drops it.

"A-and what about these two?" Bucky motions to the other two strangers sitting across from you guys with his still clean fork while he leans hunched over the table. "Who are you?"

He's just been drinking water so far because of his suppressed appetite due to the meds and he's too tired to fully focus because of them either. That and you're pretty sure it actually hurts him to eat at the moment.

Natasha just looks at him with pursed lips and raised eyebrows. "I think the real question is, who am I not?"

Okay. What the fuck?

"I can be a spy, a bodyguard, anything you want me to be. Heck, I can even be your guys baby sitter if you need." Sam shrugs and leans back in his chair in a relaxed manor.

"Their our new secret weapons." Howard cuts in. "I've been working with them behind the scenes over the last few months and I think now is the perfect time to bring them in to be a part of our team. I think they will be an asset to us in a number of ways. Nat comes from a, um, a background where she is trained in a variety of skills, and Sam has something up his sleeve that no one else will. That and he's easily the most loyal person I have ever met. With them on the team it will allow me to step back a little more and focus on what I do best, the engineering and creating of things. These two on the other hand can help out more with the organising and undertaking of missions in planning, strategic and hands on ways. They will be far more help to you than I ever was. Now I'll be able to come up with all kinds of new gadgets and weapons and safety precautions for you.

You can't help but think it's a bit two late for that last one, but at least it's starting now.

"And how exactly did you manage to keep this from me as well?!" Peggy throws her hands up in dismay.

"I can be pretty sneaky myself you know Peg." He smirks at her playfully.

She just rolls her eyes and glares at him. Clearly a little offended that he wouldn't tell her this. You can't really blame her. Although as absurd as this whole thing is you can kind of see the reasoning behind why Howard did it.

"Which brings me to my next point." Howard continues without a care. "You guys do not need to worry. No one will ever find you or know that you are here. Same goes for your new place. Nobody knows where my houses are and we have top secret security meaning that if anyone ever did they wouldn't even be able to get near the place. See? No one even knew that Maria or Tony existed until I introduced you to them and you guys are my closest friends! You'll never have to worry again."

"I don't know about that." Bucky mumbles under his breath.

"Okay, hold on. Can we just back up a second please?" Steve interrupts. "This is a lot to take in. So, what? Are you two caught up on everything you need to know? Because we move at a fast past here and can't make any mistakes or else things like what happened to Bucky will happen again."

Both Sam and Natasha nod.

"We've been working with Howard behind the scenes over the last few months. We know everything we need to know. About you guys, about hydra, about shield. Quiz me. And if there's anything that I've missed then I'll make sure I make up for it in whatever way I can." Sam shrugs, seeming very confident and nonchalant about the whole thing considering he's just walked into a very important part of your guys lives.

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