Special Chapter 3: The Dinner...

Start from the beginning

"Then they can clean house in court. I can talk to him if you want. I'm getting a new law partner so I don't have to run my self crazy any more and he's good too."

"Does he know your taken?" Diew asked softly.

"He's married," Pinnie said and smirked. "So are you laying claim then?"

"I hate to break this up but tell us more. I really need Nic to talk to Tee about this. How much is your fee?"

Pinnie and No spoke, with Ming's input. Kla joined them after he was called over. Soon everyone was giving their 2 cents. Finally, when most of the hors d'oeuvres were finished, Pete signaled me and I called everyone to attention.

"Good evening everyone and thank you for coming. I am sure we all know why we are here tonight and even though Pete wanted me to give a little speech, I suck at that stuff_"

"No kidding. It's your one flaw," Forth interrupted. I gave him a flinty eye and he snickered.

"_So instead I'll just say thank you to the chef and everyone with him for their hard work and let's eat." Pete shook his head because he saw that coming despite his best attempts. I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek once we sat down as my apology. He only smiled and patted my leg. 

"So when does your hearing start Pete?" Someone asked further down the table.

"We haven't received a date yet actually. Did you get one as yet Can?"

"The 15th of next month. They are actually moving quicker than I expected. I thought there would be a few more months for them to get through all the evidence and whatever else they do," Can looked over at Tom who smiled.

"We were doing some investigating based on the material sent to us in that email. We have been collecting evidence personally and over the phone. We already had quite a bit on Tul before we even arrested him and now that he's been apprehended, so much more information has come to light. Your abduction is the first stage of the the hearing. There are some corporate criminal matters he has to face hearings for as well."

That conversation actually brought us back to Dali and discussions of her possible sentence and what thought she should be tried for.

"I'm wondering if Dali will be tried separately or as part of the abduction plan. I honestly feel she was a part of it. Or at least she knew what Kara was up to or why else would she take Kara in? Just saying you have Pete's swimmers doesn't mean anything. They had their own side plan." Pond said seriously. It worried him that Kara was still out there. There was no telling what she could have planned. How many little Pete's were going to pop up out there. He didn't want Ae and Pete to suffer for this. Ae made the best choices he could but he was still too late to stop that from happening. Pond was sure he was feeling guilty about it.

"I do agree with you assessment there Pond but Dami and I couldn't find any evidence and Dali herself insists that Kara came to her with a deal. She is smart enough to realize the charges will only increase if she admits to anything more than what we know and the evidence is just not there to prove her connection. She is aware of that too."

"I also think she became involved after Pete had the accident." Ae spoke up. "After her dramatic scenes at the hospital, she sort of faded away and kept herself quiet. When Pete was abducted, she didn't even come running to Mom and acting like this was all my fault and I was the worse thing that ever happened to them. If abnormal behaviour was evidence, we would have nailed her easily."

"Its interesting how things change. In our day it was gunmen and vans. Now it's all high tech gadgets and and shit." Forth shook his head.

"I'm just shocked that we managed to keep everything under raps. I thought for sure it would be all over the news when we came back. Instead they had a fabricated letter from Mika saying the guilt of what she has done has been haunting her and in order to settle with her new love she was going to admit that she had a son and hid him with this person. Then they faked some investigation and found Montree. That was some epic shit."

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