Chapter 4

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So you work? I thought you was like only a year or so younger than me?' Lauren asked as she played with the mats on the bar.

'Well that depends what your age is?'
'Yeah, yeah... Like you don't know?!' Lauren stated sarcastically.

'Yeah, I don't know' Camila replied seriously, shrugging her shoulders.

'So you haven't stalked me then?' Lauren asked her raising her eyebrows.

'No, don't flatter yourself Lauren' Camila giggled as she shrugged her shoulders.
'Come on you must of' Lauren asked as she raised her eyebrow in statement.

'I haven't, but now that you mention it, I definitely will' Camila said as she too cocked up an eyebrow.

'Well I'm 19, so you must be 18?' Lauren questioned Camila.

Camila nodded her head and leaned over towards the mat which Lauren was playing with and took it from her.

'Mine now!' Camila exclaimed, raising the mat in the air with pride.

'You're so weird' Lauren laughed as she shook her head.

'So you're 19 huh? Thats old' Camila said jokingly as she nudged Lauren's arm.

'Shut up' Lauren exclaimed punching her in the arm and smiling.

'So your age? Is that all you want me to know?!'
'For now...' Lauren said as she looked down towards her feet

'Lauren Jauregui are you implying I can get to know you more?' Camila replied in a fake shocked voice.

'Just shut up Camila' Lauren responded as she rolled her eyes.

'So you must be in your last year of school then?'
'i mean, i would be but I'm home schooled' Camila stated.

'Your home schooled?'
'Yeah, its a long story, maybe i can tell you another time?' Camila said as she winked at Lauren, holding her tummy in discomfort.

'And what makes you think there will be another time?
'Oh there will' Camila replied cockily.

'Alright, alright, shush your mouth okay? Do you have a job?'
'Yeah, i work with my Grandad at his bookshop, i know its not exactly the most wild and exciting job but my granddad needed all the help he can get'
'Well thats very nice of you' Lauren said as she smiled.

'Woah Lauren Jauregui you're complementing me, are you feeling okay?' Camila said jokingly as she placed the back of her hand onto Lauren's forehead as an indication to feel if she has a high temperature.

'Shut up Camila, I'm a nice person' Lauren pointed out as she leant back and batted Camila's hand away.


'So, if you hadn't gotten famous what would you have done? Camila questioned as she placed her arms onto the bar and leant on them, looking up into Lauren's eyes.

'Im not sure really, singing was always my passion, but i guess writing maybe' Lauren muttered with a shrug.

'Oh so you're a writer?' Camila questioned her, generally interested in her life.

'I guess' Lauren said as she rubbed the back of her neck.

'Do you write any of your band songs?'
'In my journal i do' Lauren whispered.

'Are you gonna write about me?' Camila asked smiling with her tongue between her teeth.

'Oh please, don't flatter yourself' Lauren said chuckling along with what Camila had just said.

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