Chapter 2

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'Are you actually kidding me' Lauren half shouted as she lightly banged her hand on the bar.

'Woah, calm down Lana President, I never said I didn't like her I just said I don't like all of her songs, I mean I like a couple' Camila replied quickly, shrugging her shoulders and playing with the mats that the drinks rest on anxiously.

'Are you crazy?' Lauren asked in a high pitched tone, her eyes still widened.

'No sir' Camila replied shouting in a military voice, straightening up her back and raising an arm to salute to Lauren.

'Haha very funny' Lauren replied sarcastically, trying to contain a giggle which needed to be let out.

'Yes! Goal number 2 achieved' Camila half shouted bringing her arm down and closing her fist in a celebration.

'I'm sorry what?'
'Goal number 2 achieved' Camila said seriously, looking into Lauren's eyes, Camila swore she could get lost in them.

'Again, what?' Lauren asked, her left hand resting on her temple.

'Well you see Lauren, my first goal was to talk to you, which i achieved, but with a great struggle at first' Camila said
'Great struggle?' Lauren questioned, lifting her eyebrows.

'Yeah, you know, a beautiful lady like you was something i needed to psych myself up for' Camila said shrugging her shoulders, letting out a shy giggle.

'Alright alright kiss up, get back to goal number 2' Lauren said looking down at her glass that was now full.

'Alright, goal number 2 was for you to find me funny and well look where we are' Camila sang, happy with herself.

'You're weird you know that'
'Admit it, you like it?'
'Just whatever' Lauren said looking away.

Lauren looked down at her phone for the first time all night and realised what the time was, her eyes grew in shock.

'Shit I have to get back to the girls' Lauren said in a rush as she made a way to stand up, picking up her bag, and downing what was left of her drink.

'Woah, what? Wait!!' Camila quickly said as she shot up like a gun.

Lauren turned in her step, facing Camila, looking confused but with a smirk too.

'You can't just leave and not give me your number! I mean I deserve that much' Camila said frantically as she placed her left arm on Lauren's forearm.

'What?! No way, why should you have it?' Lauren replied quickly but not backing away from Camila's touch.
'I... I just think I deserve it, I mean, how else are we supposed to speak to each other' Camila said as she squeezed Lauren's arm a little.

'I mean we're not, that's the whole point Camila' Lauren spoke as she pulled her arm away from Camila's touch.
'Wha.. What? What do you mean, we've been talking the whole night, and you've been laughing at my jokes, you can't play it cool now' Camila spoke quickly worried that the older girl may just be serious.

'I know we have, but it doesn't mean I should give you my number does it?'
'No but.. Please Lauren, I really want to talk to you more, ya know get to know the real you' Camila nudged her arm in the process.

'Argh fine, if you have to' Lauren replied, again trying to hold back a smile.

Truth was Lauren was going to give Camila her number the whole night, but she just wanted Camila to work for it.

'Yay, I promise you won't regret it Lo'


It was later on now, both Lauren and Camila had gone their separate ways but that didn't mean Camila didn't want to talk to her.

From Camila:

Hey you!

From Lauren:

Argh not you again! I only saw you an hour ago?!


Oi, I was just texting you so you have my number, find your chill


Oh thank god, I thought you was going to start a conversation with me


Oh yeah that would be absolutely awful, God forbid we talk ;)


It would be awful.. it is awful


Alright whatever Lauren ;) I'm going to sleep, because some of us have work in the morning, not all of us can sing like you do ;) night cutie, have a great sleep :)
You better dream of me ;)


Annnddd you ruined it ;) goodnight Camila! You too, and don't worry I won't dream of you...


Yeah you keep saying that Lauren



Morning you :)



Did you dream of me?


Hah please

The truth was, Lauren did dream of her, in fact from the moment she got home to the moment where she fell asleep all she could think about was Camila. How her brown hair fell perfectly around her face, and how her crooked teeth were the cutest thing ever. Lauren didn't want to think all these things. But she just couldn't help it.


Admit it, because I know I did!


What? Dream about me?


Yeah, that and just thinking about you in general.


Oh god you really are a weirdo.

Lauren couldn't hide the fact that that text did make her smile, i mean its so hard not to, Camila is so charming its so annoyingly cute.


Heeeeyyy! Don't be mean to me :(


Stop talking to me now, I have to go get ready for today.


Oh :(


Don't do that


Then don't go :(

That right there got to Lauren, she thought it was one of the cutest things anyone could say.


I have to, maybe we'll talk later
If you're lucky ;)


Yay! Have a good day Lo
When Camila received Lauren's text of her telling her not to talk to her she didn't think she was being serious, she at leat thought they would talk every now and then during the day.


Okay it's been 3 hours :(


Argh you're so annoying, i told you i was busy today Camila ;)


Hey :( That doesn't mean you cant send me a text every now and then :(


Stop using sad faces!!!
Just come to Joe's if you have too, we've finished now anyway.

So Camila did.

You're Kidding Right? (Camren)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin