Chapter 3

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Camila entered the bar which had become familiar to her over these past two days, as soon as she stepped inside she noticed the black haired girl sitting at the bar, in fact she was sitting exactly where she sat when Camila had met her.

Camila walked up behind Lauren and got in the position to grab her hips and make her jump.

'Don't even think about it' Lauren said quickly, turning to face the girl.

'How did you? Did you see me come in? Are you stalking me? Camila said teasingly, nudging Lauren's shoulder and raising her eyebrows.

'Argh, you wish' Lauren uttered, looking down at her glass.

'I don't have too' Camila mumbled as she made her move to walk to the right of Lauren.

'Just sit down' Lauren replied sternly.

Camila pulled back the same bar stool that she had the previous night and sat down, Camila turned her body so she was looking at Lauren completely.

'You look pale today? Are you sick or something because if you are stay away from me' Lauren said as she backed up a little, a hint of a smile playing on her face.

'I think it's just a cold coming, but jeez relax Mum' Camila replied sarcastically.

'I don't want to be sick, we have a lot of things coming up this week'
'You're not going to get it, don't worry' Camila reassured her.

'And how do you know that? Lauren asked her.

'Well for one, colds can only be passed on by things like having the virus on your hands and then touching your face'

'Right, so that means i can't -
'Or by you know, kissing someone' Camila said as she raised her eyebrow at Lauren.

'Argh you're such a creep, why did you have to say that, i actually thought we could talk today'
'What?! Its true' Camila said with a smile.

'Bullshit' Lauren said passionately
'Yeah, okay, its bullshit' Camila said with a giggle
'Then why say it, you idiot' Lauren said chuckling
'Alright, you won't get it anyway, trust me' Camila responded, looking down at her shoes and holding her stomach as she felt a sharp discomfort in her stomach.

'Okay, i believe you, but are you alright?' Lauren questioned, as she directed her head towards Camila's belly.

'Have you had it long or?' Lauren asked her.

'Yeah, its dragged on for ages now, but it'll go' Camila said as she waved her hands about, to show she's past the subject.

'So.. What we having?' Camila said as she placed both hands facing downwards on the bar.

'I'm having vodka and coke; I don't know about you' Lauren said as she pointed to her glass on the bar.

'I guess I'll have the same' Camila said with a wink.

'Why?? Why don't you have your own drink?' Lauren asked amused by Camila's tendency to have the same drink Lauren does.

'Because I want to try that one' Camila said seriously.
'You're so weird' Lauren said with a chuckle.

'You love it' Camila said nudging her elbow towards Lauren, who had nearly drunk her all her drink.

'I really don't' Lauren uttered, looking the other way and attempting not to smile but failing again, like always.

'What have you been up to today anyway?'
'We had a fitting for our video that we are shooting tomorrow' Lauren replied, the excitement radiating off her face. They had just released a new song this week, so now what they needed to go with it was a video, this was exactly what the band were shooting tomorrow.

'Oh that's cool, are you excited?' Camila questioned her, smiling because Lauren looked so happy about what she told her.

'Yeah, it looks so good and so different to what we've done'
'Can I come see it?' Camila asked, hoping she would say yes.

'Urmmm let me think about that.... No' Lauren said as she took a swig of her drink.
'What why?' Camila asked surprised by what Lauren had just said.

'Because you'll get in the way, and the girls don't even know you exist' Lauren stated.

'Woah hit me where it hurts Lauren' Camila said jokingly as she placed her hand over her heart, exaggerating the fact that what Lauren said hurt her more then what it intended to.

Lauren rolled her eyes and laughed at how silly she Camila was.

'Tell me how I'll get in the way?' Camila asked Lauren raising her eyebrows, getting closer to Lauren's face.

'Well... You just um...' Lauren stuttered as she attempted to think of what to say; getting distracted with the approximately of how close Camila's face was.

'Ah huh see; you're struggling to come up with ideas because you don't have any' Camila said as she backed away from Lauren's face, smirking.

'No it's just'
'Just what Lauren?' Camila asked with a cute smile, nudging her arm.

'God, stop doing that' Lauren replied trying to act annoyed by how much Camila nudges her arm.

'Alright fine, I guess I'll just go?' Camila sang, seeming confident but inside praying that Lauren would say no.

'Yep bye then' Lauren said as she waved her hand in the air.

'Argh, are you like this with everyone?' Camila asked frustrated with the fact that Lauren was acting so hard to crack.

'No, only the people I don't like'
'You like me, i know it' Camila stated stubbornly, biting her lip as she smiled.

'See where are you getting that impression from?' Lauren asked her, shaking her head and doing what became an every time thing with Camila; hiding a smile.

Lauren knew she liked Camila, in fact from the moment her eyes met Camila's she knew that Camila was perfect. But Lauren didn't want to give in so easy. She never did. Lauren was never ashamed of being a lesbian but she never really made it public. It wouldn't matter anyway because Camila didn't even know who she was.

'Well you invited me here Lauren' Camila sang, pointing out the obvious.
'Doesn't mean I like you, besides you don't even know who I am apparently' Lauren responded sarcastically, giving a teethy smile.

'I thought we let that one go yesterday?' Camila asked shaking her head and smiling at the fact Lauren was still not over it.

'I just still can't believe it! I mean I told the girls and they were - ' Lauren was going to finish her sentence but she was interrupted.

'You told the girls about me?' Camila asked her confused yet excited with the fact Lauren spoke about her.

'Erm no, nope. Defiantly not' Lauren replied quickly, looking away.

'HAH, you did, admit it Lauren Jauregui' Camila exclaimed as she pointed to Lauren snapping her fingers together.

'Stop using my last name will you?!' Lauren responded quickly, laughing at how excited Camila is over the fact that Lauren spoke about her to her band mates.

'Okay admit you did and I'll stop with the last name using' Camila negotiated, pushing out her hand so that Lauren could shake on it.

'Okay fine alright' Lauren said as she met Camila's hand and shook it, Lauren's arm raised in goosebumps from the sensation she felt from Camila's touch.

'But don't get your hopes up. I only said how you didn't know me and the fact that I couldn't believe it' Lauren said trying to act coldly towards her, pulling her hand away.

'You still spoke about me tho' Camila gave a nudge to her arm.

'God, you make it so hard for me to like you'
'Well you do so shh' Camila said as she leant forward on her closed fists against the bar.

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