Chapter 16

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Since I had responded to Shahrukh I had not spoken to the word. "Shit" maybe I felt something he didn't answer? But then why was he looking for me in such a way? Shahrukh was walking with food by my side. But his gaze was lost on the horizon. We were approaching the beach. I had to break this ice ...

»Shahrukh? Is this the beach you come to every night? «

Shahrukh looked up a moment and whispering told me ...

» We arrived...! Come this way... «

It could not be like that. I did not want to feel this discomfort. I wanted to know what I had done wrong.

» No! Stop immediately ...! What did I do to keep you from speaking to me? Did I annoy you? Tell me Shahrukh? «

Shahrukh scared looked at me. He immediately put the food on the wall and took my hand.

»Kajol, how can you think that? You could never say something that bothers me. I didn't want to talk ... But it was because I was afraid of losing the sound of your voice by saying "in you." Sorry if the last Minutes let you feel bad. It was not my intention. But you cannot imagine what I feel to hear that from you ...«

The look was so tender that for a moment I thought his soul had spoken to me.

»Are you still hungry? «

As a little girl I just nodded and we both headed towards the shore. The waves tonight was calm and caused a soothing sound. Shahrukh together some firewood and lit a small fire. Although on that night it was not cold the fire had something magical here by the sea. When he finished, he sat next to me and we started eating. Shyly again and again he looked for my gaze.

» Like you this? «

»Yes, it is delicious. You didn't promise too much. «

»Look try this! «

I take a pinch of bread and dip it in a sauce. I carefully approached his mouth until the bread brushed his lips. I had done it so many times with friends or family, but this time it was something special. Shahrukh opened his mouth and ate the pinch of bread.

From that moment the mood changed. We both started talking totally in confidence making our jokes. With every word of his, with every smile, with every touch I realized more and more that since our first meeting I had given him my heart. But something still had to know ...

»Shahrukh? «

»Mhh! «

»What is it with Gauri? I don't want to get into a relationship or be a reason to break that relationship. «

Immediately Shahrukh's gaze changed.

»Kajol ... Life showed me a way. I came to Mumbai looking for life. Looking for a love, looking for a job and a home. But I soon saw that it was not the way I wanted. Gauri is a good girl ... but not for me. «

Sad, I stared at Shahrukh

»No princess ... You don't have to get sad. Everything in this life happens for a reason. «

Shahrukh took my hand and brought it to his lips while looking into my eyes.

»The best reason here I have it ...«


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