Chapter 8

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Running non-stop I found myself in the middle of the maze of streets in Mumbai. I didn't know where I was or who I was. How I had allowed that girl to do this? As it was possible that without knowing her I had lost so much in her. Yes, I liked her but she didn't have the right to treat myself like that. I was a human like her with every right to seek life. I had always fought for such an opportunity. I knew I had damaged her but that was no reason to destroy my life.

I crossed the street and saw the huge beach of Juhu. On the horizon the stars kissed the sea and the clouds caressed the waves. I approached and dropped me in the sand. I had to calm down and sort my thoughts. I needed a plan. I was in Mumbai and in less than a month I had lost everything. I had come here for a love that proved false. Now I had found a girl who would die for her but the one who would never open her heart again. How life could be so unfair ...

Gentle dry my tears looking at the sky. Because they had left me so early. In this unfair moment I needed a mother's hug, a father's care ... but they weren't. There was only me ... I in a cold and unfair world. I grabbed my knees and held them tight against my chest looking for that heat that my soul needed so much. I closed my eyes seeing my parents as always in their lives fighting for their dreams. With how little we had and how much they gave us. Now there was only my sister and me. I had to find a way out to give her a quiet and love-filled life. Just that thought was the one that awoke again the force in me.

I was not going to let anyone reject my person. I was Shahrukh. With a jump I got up and went to the shore. Shouting at the waves that I would never give up and that the day would come that the whole world would meet Shahrukh Khan. I didn't need anyone. I would achieve my dreams and be the best brother. Firmly wipe my tears and take a piece of paper out of my pocket. I sat on the wall and began to write what that Kajol wanted to say ...

Dear Kajol, I know you don't expect these lines of mine. But I wanted to tell you some things that you didn't let me explain to you that afternoon. I think I owe you an explanation ...

As you know I am from Delhi. I came here for the love of Gauri, after losing my parents. I have a sister that with all my heart I love and I am responsible for her life. She needs me and has all her hope in me. I wasn't born with a golden spoon like you. But my parents raised me with love and respect. I never wanted to harm you in that afternoon. And everything you saw is not like that. But as soon as you left I could not explain anything.

Please believe me that in you I found something I never lived. For the first time I felt happy and calm. Your presence causes something in me that I seek for a long time. I don't tell you this so you think I want to just approach you for the movie. I say it because I feel that way.

I know that with what happened that afternoon I closed the door to your heart. But I also tell you ... Sooner or later I will open it because you are mine and always will be. I'm not going to ask you to give me another chance because I know I have to earn it. But I will fight for this and make one day give your heart away by giving it to me.


Without thinking more, I went back to the set. Everything was dark and free. Hiding, I reached Kajol's dressing room. I carefully opened the door and entered to leave the note on her mirror.

Now only fate would show us the way ....

Now only fate would show us the way

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