A drunken deer

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"Ah Mimzy darling!" Alastor calls out and she spots him scurrying over. She had short blonde bobbed hair, black sclera with pink irises, rosy cheeks and a large feather sticking out of a head band she was wearing.

"Alastor darlin'!" She gives him a quick hug that he recoils from and then moves her attention to you. "And what a beautiful doll you got her witcha!" She gives you a warm embrace, and stands back again. "Can you sing sugar?" She asks you.

"Oh Mimzy we were only coming to watch your show and enjoy a few drinks!" Alastor laughs and pulls you out of the reach of the short flapper.

"Oh but the crowd would just eat her up Al!" Hearing her call Alastor 'Al' made your stomach turn with jealousy, but you didn't quite know why.

"I cant sing anyway." You tell her, putting your hand behind your head and feeling your cheeks dust pink.

"Doll, with a talkin' voice like that one, you could make the exterminators cry." Mimzy reaches out and grabs your hand, pulling you to the stage. You look back, desperately grasping for Alastor, but he shrugs and gives you an apologetic smile. She pulls the curtain shut and puts you in front of the microphone. "Just sing sweety."

"Why do you want me to sing?" You ask, shying away from the microphone.

"To give my voice a break! Been looking for someone all night." She gives you a gentle pat on the back and walks off stage as the curtains open.

Alastors pov

I had no doubt in my mind that (y/n) would be a good singer, but when she opened her mouth I could have sworn my heart did a backflip. She was singing a more modern song that was still jazzy called 'wonder wall', and she was killing it.

Today is gonna be the day

That they're gonna give it back to you

By now you should've somehow

Realized what you gotta do

Her face was a beautiful apple red, and she was obviously trying to keep her voice from shaking. She opens her eyes and locks them with mine, glad to have a friendly face in the crowd.

I don't believe that anybody

Feels the way I do about you now

She blushes even more at those lines, and my face joins in. She flashes me a smile and goes back to focusing on the song. She lets go of the microphone, I stand up giving her applause, and so does the rest of the crowd. She comes down to me, holding one arm and looking down at the floor.

"I told you, I can't sing." She laughs and looks up at me with a bright but weak smile.

"Darling, heavens choir can't sing like that." Her face goes a shade redder, and she punches me playfully in the arm.

"And here I was thinking you were honest." She giggles and I glare at her mischievously.

"I am nothing if not a man of my word." I grab her hand and place a quick peck on it earning a giggle from her and another jittery feeling.

"Okay, if you say so." At that moment Mimzy struts over and hugs (y/n).

"Doll, that was fabulous!" We all take a seat at a small booth and order drinks.

"I would like a whisky, and the angel here would like an apple martini." I tell the waiter. Mimzy tells him to make that two martinis and he paces off to get the drinks.

"Al, I don't drink." (y/n) states blankly.

"You will after you try this!" He comes back with our drinks and I down the shot quickly, enjoying the burning feeling. (y/n) takes her's and sips it gently, face lighting up with delight.

"Wow, okay this is actually good!" She chirps taking another sip.

"Told you!" I laugh and signal the waiter over asking for another shot. He returns and I down it.

"I didn't take you for a drinker Al." (y/n) laughs and takes a large swig from her drink.

"On the odd occasion." I watch her delicately sip from the drink, smile wide and seemingly enjoying herself. "After you finish that, we ought to get going. Don't want to be on the streets when its dark!" I laugh loudly.

"Okay!" (y/n) chirps enthusiastically. She then proceeds to chug the rest of her drink, and tipsilly get up.

Your pov

Your vision was blurry and your head was spinning. You stood up from the booth you three were sitting at and wait for Alastor to get up.

"It was great meeting you Mimzy!" Alastor slips on his coat and stands next to you, offering out his arm. You take it, and Alastor leaves a few dollar bills on the table. You wrap your other arm around his, and pull Alastor close. "Your such a gentleman Al~" He laughs uncomfortably and you frown.

"Marners are very important dear!" He turns, gently pulling you along and you two head out the door, him waving to Mimzy as you go. You nuzzle your head into Alastors arm, closing your eyes and stumbling down the now deserted road.

"Sooo warm!" You can feel Alastors rapid heart beat, and giggle lightly at how flustered he was getting. You look up and him can could swear that you saw pink dusting his cheeks. "Hehe! Your all red~" You nuzzle your head farther into his arm, taking in the warm cinnamon like sent coming off of him.

"Non-sense my dear!" Alastor chokes out. Suddenly the world feels like it's spinning, and everything goes black. When the world comes back into view your standing in front of his house.

"Whoa! How did you do that?" You ask, impressed.

"Simple teleportation dear." Alastor opens the door, and you trip heading in. About to faceplant you feel two strong thin arms wrap themselves around your stomach and waist, catching you. "Careful!" He turns you to face him, and you pull him close, letting your eyes shut.

Alastors pov

I felt as she went slightly limp in my arms, and her breathing slow down. Her delicate hands were clutching my coat and her face pressed into my chest.

"I'm never letting you drink again." I sigh, and gently scoop her up holding her bridal style. Heading upstairs I go to her room and place her gently on the bed calling Nifty quietly as to not wake (y/n) up. "Could you please put her in her pajamas?" I ask, turning to take off my coat. By the time I turn back around she was already changed. "Thank you." Nifty hugs my leg, and goes off to her room. I sit down on the edge of the bed, and tuck (y/n) in. I brush her hair out of her face, and go to get up when I feel a small hand grasp onto my shirt sleeve.

"P-please don't go." She chokes out. She had tears pooling in her eyes and she was sniffling quietly. "Please, I don't want the nightmares to come back." I had no clue what she was talking about, but she seemed scared. I sigh, and slip off my shoes. Pulling the blankets up (y/n) scoots over and I slide in next to her. She rolls over and I gently place one arm over her, pulling her into a warm hug.

"Good night fawn"

(1862 words)
Hope this chapter didn't feel too rushed, but it was super fun to write!

Helluva man (Alastor x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon