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Your pov

“Again.” You hear a loud scream. “Again.” Another. “Again.” The demons voice cracks as they let out a blood curdling screech. Alastor paces back and forth behind you as you cause huge waves of pain to shoot through the man's body. “Again.” A pain shoots through your head as the connection from your brain to his snaps. You jolt backwards and fall to the ground clutching your head. 

“Ouch..” You mumble trying to get up. Alastor lends you a hand and looks caringly into your eyes, before placing a gentle kiss on your lips. 

“Your doing wonderfully my dear. I’m so proud of you.” You blush and thank him, shaking your head to clear the pain. 

“Lets try again.” Alastor nods and steps out of the way. You close your eyes and flick your wrist, feeling the connection form between you like a stretched rubber band. Memories and thoughts flow through your brain, but you force them back until your left just with the tingling sensation of the man's life force (death force?) flow through your body. It was getting weak. “Were going to need a new dummy here soon.” You mumble. Opening your eyes, they go black as night and all the color on your body dims with them. You raise your arms, and the man gets up wheezing in the process. You flick your hand and he screams in pain, trying to fall to the ground. You don’t let him. 

“You should know by now, you don’t disobey orders.” Alastor growls. You focus and make the man feel like his whole body was burning. You feel his soul slowly fade, and completely disappear. 

“Alastor?” You say, turning to him while your body goes back to normal. 

“Yes my dear?” He says, playing with a loose strand of hair.

“Why do they die? I mean, why do their souls die? Can you do that?” You question. “I thought that only angels could do that. Alastor ponders for a moment, then laughs. 

“To be honest my dear, I don’t quite get it either.” He flicks his hand and hundreds of dark wispy figures appear around you. “When I ‘kill’ a demon, they become one of these. Minions basicly.” You nod, and turn back to the decaying corpse. 

“Gross.” Nifty bounces up and drags the body away, replacing it with another demon.  “Let's do this.” The demon stands up and faces you, glaring. 

“You’ll pay for that-” You cut him off by absentmindedly waving your hand and taking over his body. You control his every move. You call for Nifty and tell her to bring anyone he cares about. She comes back with a scared looking female demon, and you smile. 

“That your wife?” He nods shakily. 

“Please, do what you want to me, but leave her be!” You laugh and turn to him, your eyes going dark again. 

“I won’t do anything to her~” you croon. “Can’t say the same for you though.” You make him pick up a sharp stick off the ground, and slowly walk towards the girl. She tries to back away, but you take hold of her mind as well. Focusing you make him lift the stick up as he moves, aiming for her. 

“No please stop!” You don’t hold back as you make him walk up to her, and cup the back of her head. He then proceeds to drive the stick through her stomach, letting out a scream of agony as he does so. For good measures, you snap her neck with the twirl of your wrist and leave the other man broken by his dead lover. 

Alastors pov

I watch in bewilderment as (y/n) literally tortures the demons. I could tell she wasn’t enjoying it, but she was willing. She wasn’t putting up a fight. 

Helluva man (Alastor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now