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Name: (Y/N) (L/N)

Species: Red white tail deer

Died: 1943

Time of death: 3:30 am

Cause of death: ______

Chapter one

At first everything was just dark and cold, but then it hit you. Coming slowly at first, but burning through you as time went on. Pain and aches shot through your body, a buzzing feeling electrified your fingers.

You gasp and your eyes fly open, and your hit with a flash of bright intense hot light. You snap your eyes shut, and slowly open them again, letting your eyes adjust to the light. Red fills the sky, from horizon to horizon with a large pentagram in the middle. The pain in your body dies down enough for you to move, and you feel a wood surface below you. You sit up, trying to rub the red color out of your eyes. It won't go away. Standing up, you realize that you are on top of a tall tower, maybe a hundred feet above the ground. You slide down the side of the roof, and grab ahold of the gutter, swinging into the tower. You sprint down the stairs, no longer weak, ignoring the pangs in your legs as you sprint down the never ending stairs.

You throw the door open at the bottom, and run out into the world, taking in all the dark red and black buildings, towering high into the sky. Then you hear a yelp, almost like a dog being kicked and turn, to see a man pinning someone against the wall, threatening a figure with a knife. You run over, completely disreagarding the danger, and grab the man by the shoulder, to be greeted by, What the fuck?! You scream, and back away from the odd bear figure in front of you.

"What the fuck are you?!" You screech, pinning yourself against the wall on the other side of the ally way.

"Hun, have you looked in a mirror lately?" He sneers at you. You look around his shoulder, and see the man that he was attacking, who was now slinking away, holding his side. He had a long light brown tail, and that was all you could make out.

"What are you talking about?" You hiss, trying to slide away from the strange man.

"We all look like this down here, you damn near gave me a heart attack when you grabbed me though, you look so much like him!" He laughs, and you take the opportunity to run, sliding into an alleyway a few blocks away, where you take the time to look for a puddle, while looking at your hands. They were slim, and your fingers almost looked like claws, and you had a dark blackpair of gloves on. You lift your hands to your hair, feeling a ponytail, and let it down. You go to run your hands through the strangely long wavy hair, when you feel it. You move your hands slightly up, tracing to odd soft tufts on the top of your head. Finally finding a puddle, you look into it and gasp. You had bright red hair, and two long, fluffy ears, with black up the sides. Your hair was the same reddish brown like black at the bottom, and you had glowing red eyes. You were wearing a dress with a light pink top, then a black wrapped waistband, that continued down to the rest of the velvet black dress that hit you simply at the knees. It was lovely. The black gloves you had on went up to your elbows, and your hair was falling in waves around your now extremely pale narrow face. You turn, looking at your back in the puddle and see a small deer tail, the same red as your hair. Shaking your head, you go to find someone who knew where you were and what was going on.

(A/N) sorry for the odd chapter but I wanted to introduce your character before stating! This one is short, but they will get longer as time goes on! Also, sorry for deciding what speices you are but it was nessasary for the plot later on in the story!
(701 words)

Hey lovelies! I just wanted to come back to the beginning of this story and say that the rewrite has begun! If you're interested, you can find it on my profile!

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