Heavenly Lovers

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Heavenly lovers 

     You flip the page of your book, taking in a deep breath of fresh air, the calming scent of old books and vanilla candles giving a relaxing aroma as you sit in your plush window seat. 

    Your (y/e/c) eyes shift to the window as you peer down at the kingdom before you from your fourth story apartment, and let a small sigh escape your lips. I miss hell. 

    No rain in sight, only soft gentle clouds and a bright shimmering sun. Some people call it paradise, others call it a dream. You call it prison. 

    It's been about two years since you’d seen him, the last memory of his pained face as you were dragged through the gates to heaven. Shaking your head you get up, tossing your little book on the pillows, the pages spreading apart. “The Gates to Hell”. You’ve spent months trying to find a way back to hell, but everything said the same thing. “Only the highest ranked angels, or god himself, can pass through the gates of hell.” Or maybe “The gates to hell have been closed for centuries, only the highest ranked demons able to pass through, and their physical forms will be lost until their return.” Pacing back and forth, you reach down inside of yourself, trying to find the spark that lead to the life you had before. Nothing. 

    “Damn it!” You curse quietly, pulling at your beautiful (Y/H/C) hair. You look down at yourself. You’re a mess. Wearing just an old pair of pajamas and slippers having not showered in days, you felt kinda gross. You head into your bathroom, stripping carefully as to not trip. You turn on the water and turn to look in the mirror. It was weird seeing yourself like this, like how you had looked before you died. The only difference was the two wings now sprouted from your back. 

    After showering, you decide to head down to the garden near your apartment complex, to try and find your powers again. Even just the familiar tingle in your fingers. 

Focusing, you think of everything that scares you. First came Alastor. His red eyes burning with hatred as he choked you back in the alley way you used to go to, to escape the world. Next was Alastor again, but this time he was on the ground in front of the hotel, a spear in his side, a blank expression on his pale face. Then it hit you. The face of an unknown person pops into your head, shining bright. They smile wickedly, and lean into your ear, whispering something. 

    “What?” You call out. The figure backs away from you and turns, walking away slowly. “Wait, please! Come back!” They fade into the distance, and you snap back to reality. Still nothing. “GOD DAMN IT!” You hear a gasp come from behind you, and turn to see an old angel, maybe 80 years old in human years, glaring at you. 

“Watch your mouth young lady!” She hisses at you. You turn, shooting daggers at her. 

“Whatcha gonna do about it old hag?” You sneer.  She gasps, and looks hurt. Small tears start to pool in her frail eyes. You sigh, and walk over. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I’m probably older than you anyway ma’am.” She looks up at you, and smiles. 

“You're that girl from Hell aren’t you?” She whispers. “Demons don’t belong in heaven, but you're doing great deary.” She gives you a little wink, before waddling away on her walk. You groan and place your head in your hands, silently cursing yourself for slipping up in public. People are so stuck up here. You turn on your heel, and head back to your little apartment. Compared to the apartment that you lived in before you met Alastor in hell, it was a mansion. It has two bedrooms, one smaller for guests, and one larger, which you sleep in. It has a fairly spacious living room, which is connected to the dining room. Just off of the living room is the first bathroom and the kitchen. Just off of your room is the other bathroom. You open the door and stumble over to the couch, plopping down with a defeated sigh. You can't wake up your powers, which up here is apparently called a grace, hell you're not even sure if you have them any more, you and Alastor were doing amazing together, but you were oh so violently ripped out of his life. Heaven sucks. 

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