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6:00 pm 

Two years after arrival

You sat in you small apartment, rubbing your temples. You had seen Alastor around hell every now and then, but you two barely acknowledged each other. You turned, picking up the small piece of paper that you had found on your front door. 

"1643 hell lane seven pm -Alastor" You fold it up, and stuff it in your pocket. It was an hour walk there, and if you were going to be on time (Which would probably be a good idea considering who your meeting) you needed to get going. You pull out the dress that you had been wearing when you arrived, as it was the nicest thing you owned. You pull on some two inch high heels and comb out your hair. You didn’t want to try and look too nice, as you were just meeting up, but he was such a well put together man. Very high class. You brush on simple makeup and head out the door, silently cursing desperately wishing you had car.  


                Time skip cause I’m struggling

You look down at the sliver of paper in your hand, and look back up at the address on the door. 

“This is the place.” You mutter. You raise a shaky hand and knock  a little tune on the door. 

“Come in!” A cheery voice chirps. You open the door hesitantly, and peek your head in. “Hello dear!” He looks over his shoulder at you then back to the papers he was looking at.

“H-hey.” You stammer as you see a not so dressed up Alastor. He was wearing a plain white undershirt, sleeves rolled up and unbuttoned. He had plain grey slacks on and plain black dress shoes. “You wanted to see me?” 

“Ah yes of course. Please take a seat, I’ll go get some tea.” You walk over and take a seat on the edge of his bouncy couch. You cross your hands in your lap, but don’t let yourself relax. You couldn’t forget where you were. “Do you know why I asked you here?” Alastor asks you as he sits across from you setting down a small red china tea cup down in front of you.

“I’m afraid I don’t.” You reply, picking up the small cup. 

“That power of yours is quite intriguing.” He states almost sounding bored. “Every year hells most powerful get together and have a little meeting. I am here to invite you.” You gasp, fumbling your cup. A small amount of tea spills over the edge and you curse yourself. 

“I’m so sorry!” You kneel down next to the spill looking around for something to clean it up with and give up using the hem of your dress. 

“(Y/N) it’s quite fine you don’t need to ruin your dress!” Alastor comes over and kneels down next to you, suddenly a small maroon handkerchief in his hand that he dabs at the now stained carpet. He gets up and offers you his hand helping you up. “Anyway, what do you say? The party would be lucky to have you!” 

“I don’t get why I’m invited.” You say, looking down at your dress. 

“Dear, no one down here has ever hurt me before.” 

                    Alastors P.O.V

When (Y/N) had knocked on the door, I had expected some plain comfortable dress. But when she opened the door and I saw her, I felt underdressed. Her hair was silky and soft looking. She was wearing a pink and grey dress with short heels. I had to look away quickly to avoid staring. 

“You wanted to see me?” She chirps. I set down my papers and brush my hands off on my pants. 

“Ah yes of course. Please take a seat I’ll go get some tea.” I geaster two one of my dark maroon couches and head over to the large kitchen, with a small bar top opening facing into the living room. “Do you know why I asked you here?” I call out from the kitchen. The fact of the matter was that I wasn’t entirely sure why I decided she needed to be here in person for this. There was just something about young (Y/N) that felt familiar. Just her mannerisms. I walk back out to where she was set down, perched on the edge of the seat looking like she was ready to run at a moments notice. It’s not like it would help. I set down a small cup in front of her and she takes it carefully. 

“I’m afraid I don’t.” She takes a little sip from the tea, face lighting up with enjoyment. It causes an odd feeling in my chest. Who is this girl?

“That power of yours is quite intriguing.”  I state, trying to keep my voice monotone and uninterested, while my mind races thinking about the pain that she had caused. The mental and physical sides. Every year hells most powerful get together and have a little meeting. I am here to invite you.” (Y/N) gasps and spills her tea. I stifle a slight giggle at how distraught she is at the fact. 

“I am so sorry!” She blurts out, face burning red as she kneels down next to the little spot. She glances around, and then sighs, taking the hem of her beautiful dress and soaking up the tea. I jump up, coming over to her side. 

“(Y/N) it’s quite fine you don’t need to ruin your dress!” I crouch down next to her, pulling a handkerchief out of my pocket. Gently pushing away her hand I dab up the spill, get up, and offer my hand to her. “Anyway, what do you say? The party would be lucky to have you!” I smile brightly at her. This oddly kind shy girl.

“I don’t get why I’m invited..” She murmurs looking down and picking at the hem of her dress. A sting of… something, pulls at my chest. What is that? 

“Dear, no ones ever hurt me before.” I laugh loudly and look back to (Y/N) to see her staring  at me almost in disgust. “Do I have something on my face?” 

“I’m so sorry…” (Y/N) mutters, sinking back down onto the couch. “I’m so sorry..” I tilt my head, looking at her in confusion. 

“Whatever do you have to be sorry for?” I question,

“I hurt you!” She looks up and I see dark streaks going down either side of her face, more tears pooling in her eyes. Hiccuping she says “Your such a gentleman, and I hurt you!”

                Your point of view

You start to cry hysterically, not even knowing why. This man had tried to kill you, yet you felt bad for standing your ground. You bury your face in your hands, embarrassed that he was seeing you like this. You feel the couch next to you dip, and a comforting hand on your shoulder. 

“Darling, I tried to kill you.” Alastor whispers in your ear. “You were very brave.” You look up to see a genuine soft smile, and start to calm down. 

“I’m sorry for breaking down on you.” You wipe your cheeks off with the back of your hand and stand up. “I accept your invite. When and where is it?” 

“A week to the day at Lucifers mansion. I am delighted that you will be accompanying me!” You shake hands, and you walk out the door wishing Alastor goodnight on your way out. You had some serious preparing to do.

(1257 words)

Helluva man (Alastor x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang