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[A/N: Ion never been on no date whatsoever y'all or neither have I been in love so ion good at writing lovey dovey shii so bear with me on this chap].
Congrats to Tonian Singh on winning Miss World 2019

Jamaicans beat and teach zeen.
That night...
7:09 a.m

Omniscient POV

Ewneta and Dave walked into the restaurant hand in hand.

She was happy cause the last past couple of days were rough.

She missed waking up to him, she missed cuddling up with him she missed him in ways she never thought she would.

That's how she knows she really loves him.

Dave was all types of happy because his girl was happy and wishes scratch that, he wants to keep it that way.

"Good night I'm Ms Vanns right this way Mr and Mrs Brewster" the receptionist said with a smile.

"Good night" Ewneta and Dave said but Ewneta looked over on Dave who played it cool.

Walking in Ewneta realised there was only one table in the room.

'I know he didn't' she thought.

"Your waiter will be out with you shortly" Ms Vanns said then walked off after walking them to their table.

Dave pulled out the chair for Ewneta, she sat down and he went to his seat.

"Did you boo-" she began.

"Yea" he said cutting her off.

She smiled at him thinking she must be the most luckiest woman alive.

A couple minutes later the waiter approach them.

"Good night I'm Sabrina and I'll be your waitress for the night...should we get started on drinks" Sabrina said with a smile.

She knew exactly who both of them are and she's a fan, she also adore they relationship.

"Gimme your best Champagne" Dave said flashing a 3 million dollar smile at his girlfriend.

"I'll be right back" Sabrina said with a smile and walked off.

"Mrs Brewster huh" Ewneta said with a smirk.

Dave chuckled, "Yea got a problem with that" he asked.

"Me*gasp holding chest and shakes head*no" Ewneta said.

Dave busted out laughing at her actions.

'This girl so dramatic'...I love it he thought.

"Your birthday coming up" he said with a smile.

"For real oh...shit yes" she said in a sigh.

Ewneta was shook, she completely forgot that her birthday was in two weeks.

"Babe how you be remembering everybody's birthday and forget yours shii make no sense" Dave said chuckling a bit.

"I know ri- boy hush" she said laughing.

Sabrina came out with their champagne in a pocket of ice and two wine glasses.

"Bae" Dave said.

"Mhmm" she replied.

"Don't mhmm me dam...answer like you a human being yo" he said.

He hates when she does it but its not on purpose.

"You say that like I'm alien or a robot boy you love when I mhmm when we fucking so respect the mhmm" she said and he busted out laughing she did as well at his outburst.

EWNETA |Dave East Story| (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now