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Couple days later...
10:55 a.m

Dave POV

"Yeen got flo man if you did you'd have hoes chasing after you".

"I do I'm telling y'all" Trix said and we busted out laughing.

"Nigga you a new born baby when it comes to this shii" Qauz said.

"No" Trix defended.

"Yes" we all said at the same time.

"You fucced only one pussy bitch shut da fuck up boy no flo" Shooter said.

"That whole sentence fuck up but we get it" Bully said laughing.

"Last time I check you only fuckin Nik" Trix said sticking his tongue out.

"Shut up ugly ass nigga" Shooter said waving him off.

"Only nigga in hea who got flo is everybody expect you *points at me* and you *points at Shooter* one pussy fucking ass niggas" Trix said while clapping his hands.

"Niggas tryna live fool" Shooter said and we busted out laughing.


"But still everybody in hea minus you fucked mo than one than six bitches and ya aunties too" Qauz said.

"Yo chill ain't no body crazy enough ta fuck Trix aunties".

We busted out laughing.

"Y'all leave ma aunties alone" Trix said laughing.

Bully phone started to ringing and I peeped it.


"Who that?" I grinned.

"Yo listen" Bully began as we all gave our full attention.

"Ion telling y'all niggas shit" he said getting up.

Secretive ass.

"Fuck you...Chuck Norris...Steve Seagal...wanna be One Direction big bird looking ass nigga" Trix yelled after him.

[A/N: Whhaat 😭😭]

This nigga.

We busted out laughing.

50 minutes later...

"Wassup" I dapped Booze and Baby up.

"Sup" they both said.

"Did our shipment from the Mexico come yet?".

"On its way should be hea in the next *looks at Rollie* eight hours" Baby said and I nod.

"There's something else" Booze said and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"In da back" he said as we walked to the back I watch the hoes bagging shii up with their titties out.

I shook my head.

Baby opened the door answer walked in.

There was a body on the floor covered with a blanket.

Booze took the blanket up and I frozed.

"Na B" I shook my head.


"Who did it" I rubbed my band over my face.

"He was in Philly when this happen Roco hit me up... I'm guessing the brothers" Baby said shrugging.

"Find that shii out and halla at me" I dapped them up and walked out the room.

Dam Kas.

1:00 p.m (Cali)

Ewneta POV

I sighed throwing my phone next to me.

I've been calling Dave since this morning but I'm now sweating it he might be busy.

I was here with Tia, she's manager and she's telling me the label is putting together a tour.

I know wrong time to go on tour because I'm pregnant, but it's either I go now or go after I have the baby and I choose to go now cause when my baby gets here I want to be around him or her 24/7.

"That's all" Tia said getting up.

"Okay" I walked her to the door and went back to the couch.

Really wish I could hear my baby's voice.

I miss his fine ass.

I turned the tv on flipping through the channels.

Ouhh, Celebrity gossips.

What? Who doesn't like to hear celebrtity gossip?.

I jogged to the kitchen and took a bag of Hot Cheetos from the cupboard and a bottle of water and jogged back to the couch.

(Ewneta in MM)

Don't come for me ik ik veeerrryyy short, hate hate 😒.

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EWNETA |Dave East Story| (EDITING)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz