Prologue - Departure

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A/N: Prologue here we go. The character Jaune is will be reveal at the end bit of the prologue. Also this story will be darker than most Jaune betrayal stories. And below will explain the different types of writing style
"Angered Talk"
[Background music]

Jaune POV

Distaste........... that was what my stare was filled with as I stared at the headmaster in silence and hopelessness as he stared back solemnly also in silence; though it didn't stay like that for long, "I am sorry Mr Arc, but due to these fake transcripts I cannot allow you to continue in Beacon Academy or any Academy; and by the order of The Council and your Family you are exiled from Vale, Mistral, Atlas and your home city Arklight, if you are seen in any of the four cities you will be found guilty and executed for this crime."

I looked down in anger, "Anything else?"

Ozpin: "Unfortunately, yes, Mr Arc as of today you will be striped of your Aura by your father's orders, PERMANENTLY."

I looked up in disbelief, Aura and a Semblance was considered to be apart of one's soul, to be removed would leave many side-affects, "Sir you can't do that! It's an inhuman punishment and is on the same line as torture!"

Ozpin: "Mr Arc.............. Jaune, this isn't something that brings me any pleasure, but i have no choice."

Ozpin got up from his seat and mumbled something that I could only describe as gibberish, but my confirmation on what it was revealed itself when I felt a pain in my chest; An Aura Removal Spell. After he was finished I tried to activate it; but much to my dismay it didn't work, the Headmaster sat back down.

Me: "When?....When will the world know of my crime?"

Ozpin: "I've managed to get you a three week head start before the world learns, i am truly sorry for this."

I turned and walked towards the elevator keeping my emotions locked up, once I was in front of the lift I turned back to the two teachers, "I knew this would happen, I wasn't stupid, I always knew the consequences for faking my transcripts Ozpin, If I could do it again to get away from those Monsters; I would."

I could tell i got Oz curious, "The Grimm?"

Me: "No, My family sir, for the past fourteen years I've been abused, neglected, starved, tortured and experimented on by my family, they hate me, from the day i was born they saw me as a weakling, they wanted to ruin my life at any cost, i would go to the cops, but who would believe me, I'm a faker and they are war heroes; killing Grimm and saving both humans and faunus alike, they've won, I've lost, the only one of them I consider family is Saphron."

The elevator door opened and i looked at their mortified faces as i stare blankly, i tossed them a scroll that held proof of everything they've done to me, Ozpin caught it, "I can't do anything about it and you can't either, so you may as well see what happened to me, if the other student's see it they'll probably see me as a freak......... but i really don't care, do what you want with it."

I left Oz's office an headed to my current sleeping accommodations, A.K.A. the roof of the dorms. to be honest i wasn't really paying attention to where I was going and I bumped into someone, it was Cardin.

Cardin: "Hey watch where your go- Jaune?"

I didn't say anything I just started walking again to get the hell away from him, but Cardin wouldn't have it.

Remnant's Betrayed Gunslinger ArcTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang