Chapter 1

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It was a windy evening in New York, it wasn't too cold, but cold enough to want to get inside somewhere warm. See Lauren often liked being on her own, or being somewhere where she would hardly be noticed, being a huge artist in one of the biggest groups had its perks but also had its downs. Lauren went to her favourite place to get away, this place was the bar on the corner of the road, and this was Lauren's favourite as the guy who owned it would let her drink; even though she was under age.

Lauren sat on the bar stool, leaning against the bar, waiting for her drink to be made when a women who looked roughly the same age as her grabbed a stool, pulled it back and sat on it.

'There you go Lo' Joe said as he reached across the bar and gave Lauren her iced cold drink.

'Thanks Joe, i owe you' Lauren replied raising her arm in an almost toast like form.

'So, what can i do for you' Joe asked the stranger next to Lauren.

'I'll have whatever the pretty lady next to me is having' The stranger said in a confident voice, looking over to Lauren.

Lauren scoffed and rolled her eyes in reply to what the women next to her had just said.

'What? Too cheesy?' The stranger asked, grinning and raising her eyebrows, still looking at the girl beside her; captivated by her beauty.

Camila was yet to see the girls face, however this didn't matter because if the front of her face was as beautiful as her side profile then she knew she would be an absolute stunner.

'That and too common, you don't even want to know how many times I've heard someone say that to me' Lauren replied bitterly.

'Hey, you can't slate a girl for trying, right?' The woman seated next to her said as she leant into Laurens direction, Lauren shrugged her shoulders in response and looked forward, avoiding the strangers gaze.

'So what am i having then?' The stranger asked Lauren.
'Vodka, straight' Lauren said with very little effort, still not looking to her right; where the young woman sat.
'Ew yuk' the stranger replied with a disgusted voice, pulling a face to go along with it.

'Well you didn't have to get what i had you know, there is a thing called individuality' Lauren said with a giggle, as she turned to face the girl, noticing now how beautiful she was.
'Why would you do that to yourself?' the woman to Lauren's right asked her bemused.

'Why? What's even wrong with it?' Lauren replied wondering why anyone couldn't like it, it was up there in one of her top 5 favourite drinks.

'It's way too strong, i did have you down for a jack and coke kind of girl though'.

'Well you could see my glass, and you could see it was clear so that should of given you a clear indication....' Lauren was going to use her name but realised she didn't know it

'True, but i thought it might have been something different, but for you, i will try it' the stranger said as she raised her arm, lifting the drink in the air like Lauren had done earlier.

'Oh you're so kind' Lauren replied sarcastically, taking a sip of her own drink.
'It's Camila by the way, and you are?' Camila asked her seriously, looking into the Laurens perfect, electric green eyes. Camila leant forward and moved her arm so that Lauren could shake her hand; however when she saw Lauren had no interest she moved it back to her own leg.

'You're kidding right?' Lauren said in a confused tone, turning her whole body round on the stool to face Camila so she could get a good look of her face.
'Ummm no, that's why i asked?' Camila replied in exactly the same tone as Lauren did

'No, you're kidding right? You must know who i am?' Lauren said with a chuckle and a tone which made you think she really didn't believe Camila here.

'I'm sorry are you like some kind of famous person or something?' Camila replied seriously, completely baffled as to why Lauren was acting like this.

'Yeah i am, I'm pretty fucking famous actually, i am part of that group, oh you know... Fourth Harmony?' Lauren replied sarcastically narrowing her eyes.

Camila's face turned in confusion.
'I mean I've heard of you, your group I mean, but I've never really known what your faces look like until now i guess' Camila said, again in complete seriousness.

'You've got to fucking be kidding me?' Lauren said again, speaking in the same shocked voice she had been since the introduction of their names started.

'I'm not, seriously which one are you?' Camila said with a cute smile and giggle, looking down embarrassed, biting her lip.

'I'm... Lauren, Lauren Jauregui' she said with a hint of a smile.

'Well Lauren, Lauren Jauregui, I'm Camila, it's nice to meet you' Camila said as she nudged her arm against Lauren's.
'Are you being serious about this?' Lauren asked again, just to double check that Camila was actually being true to her.

'Alright stop it Lauren, you're making me feel so bad for not knowing who you are alright' Camila whined, finally dragging her eyes up from the ground.

'No, i like it, its nice' Lauren replied meeting her eyes.
'Oh you like it? Hallelujah I finally feel like I've done something right' Camila said with a chuckle.

'Yeah yeah, alright, lay off' Lauren replied trying to hold back a smile, but failing.

'But seriously Camila, how do you not know who I am?'
'Look alright, I'm sorry but I'm just not much of a follower of group artists' Camila replied with a sad smile.

'Yeah but still' Lauren replied, she was still so confused as to how this happens, I mean it's not as if she's huge but people still know who she is even if it is a tiny bit.

'Pretty big of yourself here Lauren I see' Camila spoke with a raised eyebrow
'That's not what I meant, it's just...'

'Its just what Lauren?' Camila said in a teasing childlike tone, nudging Lauren's arm.

'Argh just forget it' Lauren said rolling her eyes, looking down at her now empty glass.

'Look, don't you want me to get to know the real you anyway, isn't that better?'
'I mean, I guess it is' Lauren replied, rolling the empty glass around on the bar .
'So Lauren Juaregui tell me about yourself'

So she did, they spoke about a whole variety of things that night.

You're Kidding Right? (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now