Chapter 6

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"Now you're off the hook Austin!" I got out of the hospital bed and ran to the elevator. It probably wasn't a good idea to run after being hooked up on whatever voodoo juice the doctor gave me; I'm dizzy as hell.

I sprinted out of the hospital, people were yelling at me to come back. I guess people don't see a girl in a hospital gown running out of the hospital everyday.

I ran a couple of blocks away to a little park, I fell on my knees balling, "why?...WHY???" A crowd of people starting to form, "Let me through!" I faintly heard. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see Austin and Zach standing there, "Albany, it wasn't a problem, I cared about that baby too. I'm so sorry about this!"

Austin held his hand out and I slowly took it. Zach made a path through the crowd, it was growing. Austin was spotted, "Shit Austin, the paps!!"

"I know, let's get to the car!"

Rob and Alex were parked right by the park, we quickly got in and they drove off back to the house.


I woke up feeling a lot better than yesterday! I prayed that my baby is safe up in heaven. I proceeded to walk out to the kitchen for some food to find Austin crying, "Hey...why are you-"

Alex quod in, "We should probably talk about last night?!"

"Uhm, I really don't want to though" I faintly smiled.

"It's not healthy to keep it in!"

"Well I'm just going to keep this whole mess in the past. So it's not in me, it's behind me!"

"Okay serious-"

"Just let it go Alex." Zach interrupted.

"Guys, where did Austin go? He was crying so you know I kinda wanted to see what was going on!"

Robert yelled from the distance, "It's nothing Albany. Really!"

"Rob, I don't know if I can do this." Austin whispered.

"Do what man?"

"A brother..."

"You can't talk like that, you're doing a great job! You're feeling so stressed just because you want what's best for her. You're filling the job of her other brother and her dad to be honest. You're all she's got right now and I know for sure she appreciates everything you're doing," rob paced the room, "now you gotta write a song or some shit. Turn this sadness into production alright?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2015 ⏰

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