Part I of Chapter 1

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What does he want now? Uhhg!!

I walked into Austins room and All of the boys are in here staring at me! What is this!?

"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT?" Austin screamed in my face.

I turned to Alex, blood boiling! "DAHHH, ALEX!!!!" I am full on screaming. I started to trudge out of the room but Zach came and picked me up fireman style and dropped me on the other side of the room.

--2 months earlier--

Hi, I'm Albany! I'm a 14 year old girl with blonde hair and black under tones. I am 5'1 (I know, short right) and I live in Edmonton. I have one brother, a dog, and divorced parents. My dad freaked out and left on a buisness trip for a whole year (I actually don't know where he is) but he's finally coming back now! So i'm happy!!!

*knock knock* Who is that? I opened the door, ".....Dad?....OH MY GOD!!" I ran into his arms, "I thought you weren't coming back until tomorrow?"

"I lied, I like surprises better!" he cheekily smiled, "where's your brother, and your mom?"

"Um, mom's somwhere in the house, and so is Liam! I don't know where though..."

"I have some big news that i really want to tell you guys!!" my dad seemed excited. This is the first time i've seen him happy since the divorce!

"Um...okay, I'll go find them! There is some dinner left on the table, you can go grab some if you want! I'll be right back," it took me 10 minutes to hunt them down, "Okay, here they are dad!"

Liam had a shocked expression on his face, "Oh, hi dad! Long time no see..."

"Hi John..." my mom awkwardly said.

I think I am the only one happy to see me dad, this is awkward, "Um....okay...what were you gonna tell us dad?"

"Oh, you guys might want to sit down for this!" my dad excitedley said.

I started to make my way to the dining room table.

"WE'RE FINE STANDING!" my mom rudley screamed.

Well okay then...

My dad was starting to get pissed. I can see why they seperated, "Anyways, I have news....I'm getting married..." he did the ta-da hands.

"WHAT!?" We all said in unison.

"good. for. you..." my mother was sad. I can tell.

This is a little insane though, 1 year after the divorce , and we didn't even know he was seeing someone! Whatever, I shouldn't get in the middle of it!

"But..." my dad started, "I will be moving to the states! I met her when I was away on my buisness trip!"

"WHAT!? WE ARE NEVER GOING TO SEE YOU AGAIN!?" I was now mad at my dad! Here is another reason why my parents split, my dad just does absolutly crazy things!

"Well, I will visit at christmas most likely, but...I was thinking, maybe you kids could come live with me! Just hear me out okay! You will have a new step brother, it would be nice to get to know him! And they have a really nice condo, and it is just really nice there in general! I think you two would enjoy living out there with us!" Is he serious?

My mother left the room, oooo she's mad!

"There is NO WAY I'm moving to the states! Your such an ass dad!!" my brother barged out of the room. He has become a total ass since the divorce (my brother). Not my dad!

"What about you Albany?" he asked me.

"........." I'm thinking long and hard. I have been dreaming to move to the states like FOREVER! And I'm sick of my bullshit brother and all of the people at my school! Heck, I don't even care about staying here with my friends, ".....sure! Why not!"

My dad ran over and hugged me, "That would be great honey! You and your new brother and mom will get along great, I know it!" I smiled in his shirt, I really do want a fresh start!


My blood was boiling, ya, i forgot I want to leave this bitch of a mom too, "You know what MOM, I'm sick of you, I'm sick of Liam, I'm sick of all the bullshit people at school, heck i'm sick of this bullshit city!! I don't even care where we go, I think it would be great to get a nice MOM AND BROTHER for once! I'M LEAVING AND I DON'T EVEN CARE WHAT YOU SAY!"

My mom grabbed her car keys and purse, left the house, and slammed the door. Ya, I know I was harsh but she can't control all of my life! My dad should be a part of it too! I'm gonna go where my heart tells me, and my heart is saying with my dad!

"So dad," I looked up at him, "Where are we moving? And who is this mystery women?"

My dad chuckled, "I want it to be a surprise! All I'm going to tell you is that there will be no more snow! And you will meet her soon, we are leaving in 1 week! The 2 of them will be picking us up from the air port! "

"Oh come on dad! You know I don't do good with surprises! I GO INSANE!!"

"Well that is a risk I'm willing to take Albany! Because I know you will be happy that I kept it a secret all along!" he winked at me and started to make his way to the door. What is that supposed to mean? "Oh, and one more thing! You better get packing, this week will fly by fast! We leave on tuesday"

And he's gone leaving me here in shock!! I'M SOOOOOOO EXCITED!! I get to move somwhere were it's warm all year long! This is gonna be mighty fine, I know it!!

--The next Day--

Uhg, now It's sixth period, math class. Even better, we have a new teacher for the rest of the year, well for me like 4 days!

"Everyone sit down and write 3 things about yourself and we will go around the room and you can share what you wrote so I can get to know you better!" The women told us.

Perfect! I can break my news to the class!!

She finally got to me, I'm the last person of course, "Um hi, I'm Albany, I have a brother and well another one I guess...and I'm moving to the states in less than a week!"

"WHAT!?" everyone erupted after I said the last thing. Murmurs were coming from left and right, and my friends just looked completley shocked and devastated.

"Class settle down!" The women screamed at everyone, "So I guess we will only be together for a couple of days then! Where are you moving in the states? And why are you moving?"

"Um, I have no clue where I'm moving yet! I will let everyone know when I get there! And I'm moving cause my dad is geting married!"

"Oh wel-"

She got cut off by the bell to seventh block ringing. That was my que to scurry out of the room as quick as possible so I wouldn't have to talk to any of the kids about this.

I decided I don't want to be bombarded by a zillion questions so I'm just gonna skip last block! Whatever, It's not like my school here will matter anymore! I'm probably not gonna go here anymore after today just cause I need to pack!

I got home early and started packing! I'm so excited to leave this place, FOR GOOD!

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