Chapter 4

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Austin sighed in relief, "I'm sorry!" He kissed my head.

I looked up at him, "Why are you sorry?"

"Because I should've just talked to you and gave you advice instead of screaming in your face. I'm such a bad brother!"

"I'm the one who should be sorry! I was mad at first that you screamed at me, but that was honestly what I needed! Like what the fuck is wrong with me! I'm such a screw up!" I hugged Austin tighter.

"Well I thought it through like... A CAJILLIAN TIMES...and it's fine!"

"What's fine?"

"Albany, it's...okay for you to" He clenched his teeth,, "As long as you use protection!" He smiled.

My face went completley pale.

"What's wrong?" Austin asked me.

"We...we didn't use protection today...I'M SO STUPID!!" I colapsed to the floor.


"Oh Austin, you don't need to beat me up about this one! I'm already beating myself up about it!"

"We'll need to take her to the docter bro!" Zach peeped in from the back.

6 days passed and it was finally the day of the apppointment.
We all walked to Robs car in silence. I'm so scared for the results! My period is suppose to come soon...which means that i've ovulated! SHIT!


I took the test and now I'm waiting for the results. Austin is in the room with me, the rest of the boys are in the waiting room. I wanted them in here no matter how awkward it would be, but we went to the medi-center so the rooms can barely fit 2 feet. Tears were falling down my face and dropping on Austin's white pants. Yes I was sitting in his lap, I don't know why, but I just felt like it! "Hey hey, what's wrong Albany?"

"Why...why can't I do anything right?"

"Hey, this isn't the end of the world! Okay, everything, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, will be okay!"

"But Austin, if I'm pregnant it could end your career. And everyone one will hate me, especially my other brother and mom. And the media will hate on me for the rest of my life...why the hell am I such an idiot. I'm such a worthless scrap of human being! I don't deserve to be here! Not one bit!" The tears stopped falling, I was dried up. I feel so dead.

"No, you don't know how much I love you! I can't garuntee what everyone else will think, and yes, maybe everyone will hate you!"

"Oh, wow thanks Austin!"

"Hey, hey! I'm getting there! Even though everyone else might hate you, I would never be able to! Now that you're in my life...I feel so much happier! I won't let you feel unwanted, okay? Because you are my life, the sister I have always wanted, without you I would still be the pittied singer cause his dad died and he's been lonley most his life. You are the biggest part of my life right now, and you will be forever! If you have a baby, that will just add another person to the family I will love unconditionally!"

"So Albany, you're results are here!" The doctor walked in the room and passed me the folder, "we have the results on file already! If you have further information you can call! Have a nice day!"

With that said me and Austin walked out of the clinic with the boys trailing behind.

"SO!?" Robert eagerly yelled.

"Well the results are in that folder in Albys hands!" Austin explained.

"I don't wanna look yet! OKAY!" I snapped. My emotions are running wild.


We walked in the apartment I went to the bathroom and placed the folder underneath the tampon box. I know the boys will go snooping for it, so I'm sure they would never look for it here.

I walked into Austin's room where the boys were situated like always. "So can you please tell us the results now Albany??" Robert eagerly asked.

"No!" I giggled.

"Come on Albs! I think we have a right to know!" Austin made a point.

"Well I'll tell ya when I know!" I sighed.

"YOU DIDN'T LOOK YET! Come on! At least find out before our parents get back in 2 days!" Austin was frustrated.

"I know okay! I just can't yet!" I stormed out of the room. I really hope Alex and Austin don't follow me! I fall into their traps every time!

I guess I'll start making dinner for these doofuses. Yeah, it's been a long day of doing nothing! Well waking up, having Austin yell at me and Alex, go to Greyson's, ...have sex, go to the clinic... Actually, I guess it's been a really long day! I will make us bow tie pasta and 4 cheese Alfredo to lighten the mood! This is our first home cooked meal in like a month so I think it will make us all very happy!

I finished cooking the meal. I set out huge platefuls around the dinner table, "BO-YS!" My voice cracked in the middle, "DINNERS READY!"

A herd of animals came running down the hall, "OH MY GOD!!" Zach screamed, "shank ya's Albany! This is dope!"

"Um...thanks, I think!" I laughed.

I finished my dinner really fast cause I was already full before we sat down, I was eating all the food while I was cooking it! No biggy! I went to the bathroom, grabbed the folder from my amazing hiding place, and walked into my room...the moment of truth!

...I slowly started pulling the thin piece of paper with my eyes closed peaking every now and again hoping just maybe I'd glance at a word and see a big ol' NEGATIVE!...the paper was in my hands, I opened my eyes and started scanning it over,The results of the test may have been false *Blah blah*, Positive, *Blah blah*, Thank you for...

POSITIVE!? HOLD UP!! I went back to the section, The result of your test was positive, congratulations!

I think I'm gonna faint!

I put the paper back in the folder and threw it on my bed! I jolted up and speed walked to the front door and slammed it shut! I ran out of the building! I can't be in this place! I ran all the way to the dock and jumped in the water...

*Austin's POV*

"What the hell!" I yelled.

"Oh shit!" Alex got up and headed for the hallway. I trailed close behind him. He walked into Albany's room and picked up the folder.

Oh shit!

He was reading the paper and you could tell by the expression on his face...she's pregnant! How does Alex clue in so fast!?

"Guys what's going on?" Zach ran in the room with Robert not far behind, "Oh shit!" They said in unison.

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