New tags and Semblance info

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So I've decided that new tags will be added because of the fact that you've met Cinder's group, And also your semblance is called "Stalker", And yes i just edited this in March 8

Basically you have the exact abilities of Stalker but with some additional abilities like Limbo's rift jumping

I'll explain the some of your powers here but other powers will be shown further in the story.

Main power is "Rift Jump", You jump into the Rift and you're suddenly unable to be harmed by enemies that aren't in the Rift but those in the Rift can, And you can also rift into another location

Send someone to the Rift where they can't hurt you and you can't hurt them, Pulling them out of the Rift gives them a massive headache

If you use this ability on a Non-Rifted enemy their aura is transmitted to you instead making them vulnerable to deadly attacks, Using this on a Rifted enemy leeches their health and stores it for later use

Connect the aura of multiple individuals and when you stab one of them, They all suffer the same injury in the same spot, But the damage isn't as bad as the main victim

Slash dash-
Dash at incredible speeds towards an Aura source while wielding a powerful blade of pure light, If a nearby Aura is located, You automatically dash towards them aswell

Teleport in any direction, Uh yeah that's all

Channel projectiles into a large ball and release it as a large explosion, Damage depends on items sucked into the ball

Pull something towards you into melee range  or pull yourself to a destination

Smoke screen-
Dissapear into a puff of smoke, Blinding nearby things with eyes and turning you invisible for a short while

Pull things into the air and smash them down, If an Aura is destroyed then it'll be absorbed into you, If someone dies well..+1

There you have it, Your semblance(s), Although I'll probably add a bit more in the future, Also...

Merry Christmas everyone, Have a good holiday.

Merry Christmas everyone, Have a good holiday

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Another edit:A meme to make up for my lost time

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A meme to make up for my lost time

Another edit:A meme to make up for my lost time

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