chapter 7

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Danny's POV

I walked in the door of my biology 2 class and took my seat. Looking up the white board read:

'Substitute today Mrs. Mayers, assignment on page 272 of text book'

Oh thank God maybe I can sleep through this class and not have to see Mr. Perfect today. Actually where is he? Peyton said he was gonna be here today right?

I pulled out my phone to look over the messages again. I read through them at least 10 times, yep he definitely said he would be here today.

"Whatcha lookin at there, princess." I felt Alec's breath tickle my neck and a blush creep up my cheeks.

"None of your business asshole." I spat out of embarrassment.

"Ooooo princess bites back." Alec's lips curved into a mischievous smile and his eyes darkened.

"Okay everyone take your seats." I turned away to look at who I presumed to be Mrs Mayers. She told us briefly about the assignment and then handed out the papers.

"This is a partner activity so pair up. If you don't behave I'll be taking up your paper and give you a zero." Mayers stated flatly. God she's annoying. Glancing around the room everyone seem to be paired up, I groaned looks like I'll be working alone.

"Mrs. Mayers I don't have a partner." I raised my hand trying to catch her attention.

"Does anyone else not have a partner?" She questioned clearly annoyed.

"I don't" Alec glanced at me mischievously.

"There you can part-"

"Can I just work alone." I blurted out interrupting Mayers.

"No, now get to work." She huffed out in annoyment. I looked back over to see a clearly pissed off Alec.
I rolled my eyes, Let's just get this over with. I pulled my desk over to his and began looking over the document. I finished reading about the molecular theory before I glanced up to a confused Alec. I let out a small laugh before explaining the assignment to him. After making sure he understood everything clearly we split the questions up equally and started answering them. We sat in silence almost the entire class period before I decided to break it.

"So umm where have you been?"

"Work." His tone was flat.

"Work? Your work causes you to miss school and fly off the grid out of no where?" I questioned half jokingly.

"Yes." His tone was still flat but also slightly aggravated. Why does he always have to be so damn bi polar, God he's and ass.

"Well where do you work?"

"Stay out of it." Was his only response, his tone deadly.

"Your an ass." I glared.

He finally looked up from his paper with a glare of his own.

"What?" his eyes darkened.

"Your an asshole." I gritted, damn him why was he making my skin crawl. My head was telling me to shut my mouth and apologise but my stubbornness wasn't about to turn back now.

Alec's lips parted as though he was about to say something but he was interrupted by the bell. I stood up grabbing our papers and tossing them on the teachers desk before walking out. Barely out in the hallway I felt someone grab my arm and jerk me to the side.

"Who do you think your talking to?" Alec's breath was in my ear and his arms where on either side of my head pinning me to the wall. A blush crept up my checks.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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