He scrunched his face up. "You trippin'. I'm not selling shit out, I'm trying to make something of my time in this bitch. If we just gone come to school to skip might as well of stayed ya ass at home." His voice held aggression yet he wasn't angry he seemed disappointed. Due to Tyler's fear in T he didn't respond instead he just leaned up against his locker.

I tugged on his jacket making him follow me down the hall and leave his friend in burning fury. I walked down the hall placing my hands in my jean jacket.

"You know he's not good for you." I tell him as we started up the stairs for English.

"What?" He raised his eyebrow in confusion. "Tyler done been through shit. We been friends since we was youngins. His people ain't got it like mine, ya feel me? Pops ain't in his life, mom ain't shit. He's like another brother to us, we all we got. My dad treats him like a son."

"If y'all all he got why is he dragging you down?"

"He ain't dragging shit down Danielle." He snapped.

"He's not bringing you up, encouraging you to skip your classes. I used to see y'all getting high on the side of the building. He's no good Te'zon." We weren't walking anymore and instead we stood in the hallway staring at eachother arguing. 

"You don't got no friends Dani. Okay? That's why you don't know what it's like. You know what having fun is right? That's exactly what you named off. Having. Fun."

"What about playing basketball at the courts? Movies with girls? Parties at your house? That is fun. Why does all his fun involves fuckin up what you got going on?"

"What the hell are you? Dr fuckin Phil? You only have one friend and that's Penny. Penny!" He yells in a whisper.

"Okay and?" I ask wondering where he's going with this.

Chuckling he runs his hand across the bridge of his nose. "You think she's a good friend? Penny's not a good friend to anybody. Especially you." He puts emphasis on especially.


"Good friends tell eachother everything right? Ask Penny to tell you something. Ask her." He laughs and I feel my stomach tightening.

I stood there boiling like hot lava. At times I get so caught up around these people I feel the need to remind myself. This is all a game, all my plan to find out the truth. That they could be potential murders or witnesses to my fathers death. But this time he reminded me, hinting out that she knows about my fathers death so obviously. That he knows too what secrets their keeping from me.

Just when I was about to go off a familiar voice stepped into the conversation. "Danielle Waddup." Cash stood in front of me. I noticed he got a tattoo or imprint as you will. The imprint being a logo, some symbol with lots of turns and bends. And at the bottom being initials. DKC. And his long nice curls were gone leaving him with natural waves running down his head. He looks completely different and though it's only been about almost a month since I've seen him it still feel like something changed.

Cash sized Te'zon up and I stared at him wondering where the new found aggression came from. The old Cash would've never even came over here knowing that Tez is right here.

"Hey?" I say in an unsure tone.

"Can we talk?" His voice is more aggressive and authoritative. It reminds me of someone but I don't quite know who.

I nod turning to Tez. "I'll be back stay right here." I say to him not wanting to end this conversation just yet.

Me and Cash walked a little bit down the hall. He didn't waste any time going in. "So you can't fuck with me but you out here fuckin' wit him?" Cash has always been calm and gentle with me so his tone and language took me for a loop.

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