Chapter twenty-two.

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Ashton pov.

‘Ash you okay?’ Luke asked when we walked out of the studio together. 

I took a deep breath and relaxed my hands so they weren’t in fists anymore. That guy had made me so angry. Thankfully all interviews were done for today cause I didn’t know if I would have survived another one. 

‘I’m fine, just a little pissed at that DJ,’ I sighed. 

Luke nodded ‘We all are, he went too far and he knew it. He wanted a reaction like this..’

I sat down in one of the chairs in the hall and buried my face in my hands. 

‘I feel guilty towards Alison, I hate that I have to hide my feelings for her.’ 

Luke sighed and sat down next to me ‘I know Ash, and Ali knows it too.’

‘I know she does but I also know that she pretends that it doesn’t hurt her. We’re lucky Isabel is such a nice person otherwise all of this would be a lot worse then it’s already is. But I don’t know how long it will take before Ali can’t handle it anymore, before I can’t handle this anymore.. I want to be with Alison and I want the world to know that.’

Luke smiled sadly ‘They will, lots of them already do Ash. The fans are not stupid, they can see something’s not right. You need to talk to management about this, they’re the ones who can fix this. You need to be honest with them and also with Ali, tell her how you feel about this. Even if you already told her, tell her again and again until you can really be with her. I’m sure she’ll understand.’

‘I know, thanks Lukey.’ 

He gave me a small smile again and for a while we just sat there in silence. I thought about Luke’s words and decided to text Isabel with the question if she already talked to her management. It didn’t last long before I got a reply. 

From Isabel:
I did. They weren’t happy at all.. I will call you later with the details! X

I sighed and rubbed my fingers against my temples as I started to feel a headache coming up. Luke shot me a worried look but he didn’t say anything and when Michael and Calum came to get us we were both lost in our thoughts.

‘Are we going to see the fans outside?’ Cal asked when we followed one of the security guys through the hallways. 

I smiled ‘We should, that’s the least we can do for them. I read on twitter that some girls were here waiting all night.’ 

We all looked at Peter, the security guard, with our best puppy eyes. I could use some cheering up and I knew that making some fans happy, would make me happy as well. 

Peter sighed ‘Okay, 10 minutes! Not a second longer,’ he finally gave in. 

We thanked him and with him and two other guards behind us we made our way to girls outside. As soon as they saw us they started screaming and a smile immediately appeared on my face.

Alison pov.

When we got back from our shopping trip we all felt a little down. The boys were already sitting in the lobby and they didn’t look so happy either. What started as a great day, ended with annoyance and sadness. The girls and I had a long conversation about our relationships with the boys and how we could possibly fix this management problem. The conclusion was that we couldn’t and it made us angry. As soon as I saw Ash I started running and let myself fall in his already open arms. I buried my face in his shirt. 

‘Hey there,’ Ashton chuckled softly as he wrapped his arms around my waist. 

‘Hi,’ I mumbled in his shirt, not wanting to look him in his eyes. 

He sighed and pulled me on his lab as he sat down. 

‘You saw the interview.’ 

It wasn’t even a question, he just knew. 

I nodded ‘I’m Sorry.’ 

He carefully pushed me backwards and forced me to look at him by placing his hands at both of my cheeks. 

‘Why are you saying sorry?’ He asked with a frown.

I gave him a sad smile ‘I don’t know, I’m just sorry because I feel bad that you had to go through all those interviews. 

Ash pulled me closer to him again and kissed my forehead ‘That’s very sweet of you Ali, but you don’t need to feel sorry. I know these interviews suck but they’re a part of my job. And as long as I know the truth everything will be fine.’ 

I narrowed my eyes at him ‘I know it gets to you Ash and I want you to know that you can talk to me about it, even if it’s about us. You’re right about the last part though, we know the truth and that’s the most important thing.’ 

He wanted to say something else but before he could open his mouth I kissed him. It was a short kiss, a kiss to shut him up but it made him smile anyway.

‘Do you want to get out of here? I think we can both use some distraction and I have something to show you,’ Ash whispered with a glinstering in his eyes.

I giggled and accepted his hand ‘Where are we going?’ I asked when he led me to the back of the hotel. 

‘You’ll see,’ he grinned as he dragged me towards a staircase. 

Hand in hand we climbed the stairs.

‘I don’t think we’re allowed to come here,’ I panted, completely out of breath as I pointed towards a ‘staff only’ sign. 

‘Probably not, but me and the boys have been here before and I really need to show you this. You’ll love it, I promise,’ Ash said and he continued dragging me with him. 

I was breathing so hard I was ashamed, I really needed to work out more. After three more stairs Ashton finally stopped. 

‘We’re here!’ 

I let out a relieved sigh and looked up, only to see a very excited Ashton looking back at me. 

‘Can I open the door?’ I asked, getting really curious at what he wanted to show me. 

Ashton stepped aside and with a grin I walked towards the big black door, but when I wanted to push the door open it didn’t move. Not even a bit. I tried again but it looked like the door was locked. 

‘I think it’s locked, are you sure that this is the right place?’ I asked Ash who was looking at the door with a frown on his forehead. 

‘Let me try,’ he mumbled.

I watched him try to open the door several times but nothing seemed to work. 

‘Ash it’s okay,’ I said softly when he let out a frustrated groan. 

He ran his hand through his hair and sighed ‘I just don’t get it, it’s never locked..’

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