Chapter one.

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‘Alison get your ass over here, now!’ My best friend Rowan screamed to me from downstairs.

I was in my room getting ready for my birthday party and all the guests were already downstairs except for two very important people. My mom and my other best friend, Ashton Irwin. I sighed and took one more look in the mirror before I made my way to the staircase

‘Finally, I thought I would’ve had to drag you down,’ Rowan said while rolling her eyes.

I bumped my shoulder against hers ‘Oh shut up you,’ I laughed.

When I walked into the living room everyone started singing happy birthday and I felt my cheeks heat up. I hated to be in the middle of attention. My dad was singing the loudest and he looked at me with proud eyes, I knew he had a hard time too. This was my second birthday without mom and it just wasn’t the same. While everyone was still singing my aunt came in with a big cake, she had a smile on her lips and her eyes where shining. She always enjoyed birthday’s, she loved making cakes and organizing surprises so I was curious if she planned one for me this year. I secretly hoped she didn’t cause I never knew how to react. But knowing my aunt she probably had something for me in store today and I can tell you that I’m a bit scared for what it will be. Last year she bought a puppy for me, the poor pup was put in a box and was so happy when I opened it so it could come out and play. He was super cute but dad said we couldn’t keep him so I had to give him to someone else. Of course my aunt tried to talk to my dad but whatever she tried he kept saying no. Later I understood why, mom always wanted a Labrador puppy and guess what she got me.. Yeah a Labrador. A few days after my birthday he said that if I wanted I could get a dog, but not that year and not a Labrador. 

‘Ali, did you heard from Ashton yet?’ my Aunt asked when she took a seat next to me.

Everyone was eating their cake but when they heard Ashton’s name falling a lot of the people in our small living room looked up. My Aunt gave me an apologizing smile 

‘Uhm yeah he called me at midnight and sang happy birthday for me with the boys,’ I said as happily as I could.

 I really wished he was here right now but since Ashton was at the other side of the world he couldn’t make it.

‘How is he doing? He’s still touring with his band right?’ Grandma asked with a smile.

Everyone in my family adored Ashton and I couldn’t blame them. Ashton was amazing and I missed him like crazy.

I swallowed ‘Yes he is, they’re touring with One Direction.’

‘That’s amazing love, you must be very proud of him,’ my uncle said. 

I nodded and looked at my hands. Of course I was proud of him, I was his biggest fan from day one and I supported him in everything he did. The only thing I didn’t like about my best friend being famous was that I barley saw him anymore. He was my rock, my everything and no one, not even my dad could replace him. Sometimes I cried myself to sleep, I needed him and even though he wanted to be there for me he couldn’t.

‘Ali?’ Rowan took a seat at my other side, she had a worried look in her eyes and I knew that she was the only one in this room who saw my pain right now.

‘I’m fine,’ I smiled, it was a fake smile but she seemed to believe it.

When my family left Rowan forced me to put on a dress.

‘We’re going to a party, if you want in or not. It’s your birthday Ali, you’re eighteen now live a little.’ 

I wanted to protest but the look on her face made me close my mouth.

‘Okay,’ I muttered and followed her to the car.

‘You look beautiful love, now smile and enjoy!’

When we arrived at the party a girl with raven black hair came running toward us 

‘You came! Happy birthday Alison!’ She pulled me in a hug and kissed my cheek.

‘Thank you, nice party you got here.’

Hayley grinned ‘Thanks, I really hope you enjoy yourself tonight Ali. You look beautiful and there lots of boys here tonight.’ 

She winked and linked her arm into mine so I had to walk with her. Rowan was on my other side.

‘You remember Owen right? He was in our English class.’

Of course I remember Owen, he was one of the hottest guys from our school and Hayley could never stop talking about him. 

‘He’s here and he brought some friends,’ Hayley said and she pulled us toward the boys who where in the corner of what used to be her living room.

‘Hi boys, this are Rowan and Alison’ she introduced us.

 I felt how six pair of eyes looked at us, curious.

‘Hey you’re Ashton’s friend right?’ one of them asked.

 I nodded ‘Yep, that’s me. Who are you if I may ask?’

The boy chuckled ‘I don’t blame your for not recognizing me, I don’t see him very often since I live at the other side of the world but I’m his cousin. I think I saw you at his last birthday party?’ 

When he said that I remembered that Ash once told me his cousin was moving to another country and I also remembered the boy now. 

I grinned ‘Wait, are you Leroy? The one who destroyed all the hamburgers on the barbeque?’

He chuckled again ‘So you do remember me.’

Before I could answer my phone started ringing, I forgot to put it on silent, shit. I apologized to Leroy and walked away from the group while searching for my phone. When I made my way into the backyard i finally found my phone and I sucked in a breath when I saw who called. Ashton.


I hope you guys like it (: xx

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