Chapter three.

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I can’t remember the last time I ran this fast. I pushed past people, tripped almost every few seconds and I was breathing hard. My eyes were searching the crowd for the familiar curls I loved so much, or for the bandana he couldn’t live without. 

‘There!’ Rowan screamed from behind me. 

I looked at my left and saw Michael’s green hair first. They just walked around the corner and it was obvious they heard Rowan’s scream. Tears started running down my cheeks when I saw him drop his stuff and run towards us. It seemed to go in slow motion, he was getting closer and closer and I could see his face clearly now. He opened his arms and without thinking I jumped, I wrapped my legs around his waist and curled my arms around his neck. Because we were both running he almost fell back but he steadied himself quickly and wrapped his arms around my back.

‘Ali,’ he breathed in my hair.

I buried my face in the crook of his neck ‘I missed you so much Ash. So freaking much.’

‘I missed you too Ali, more than you could ever imagine.’

I looked up at him and studied his face. His green eyes were brighter than ever, his dimples were still there and looked even cuter then I could remember and don’t even start about that beautiful smile. I sighed happily and leaned my forehead against his.

I heard someone squeal ‘Omygod they’re so cute!’ 

A flash followed but I didn’t pay attention to it. Ashton let me sled out of his arms so I was standing on the ground again, but he didn’t let me go, no he pulled me into a big bear hug. I buried my face in his shirt as I felt him kiss the top if my head.

‘I don’t know if I can ever let you go again,’ he whispered softly.

I smiled in his shirt ‘Then don’t.’

‘Hey Ash, we missed her too you know!’ Luke screamed.

I giggled and let go of Ashton to say hi to my other friends. When I looked away from Ash I saw a few fans standing next to the other boys, all with camera’s and phones in their hands. They smiled friendly at me. Michael was the first to hug me, he also ruffled my hair like he always did. 

‘Hey there little one,’ he grinned and kissed my cheek. 

Michael was the big brother I never had. When Ashton wasn’t there I always went to Mikey, he didn’t know me as well as Ash did but he and I became even closer since they were discovered by One Direction. I could always talk to him about Ashton and when I had a breakdown and I didn’t want to bother Ash again I called him.

After Michael, Luke pulled me in one of his famous hugs. All the rumors about Luke giving the best hugs were true, I don’t know why but his hugs were just so comfy and  they always calmed me down. Calum kissed my forehead and whispered something in my ear about how much they missed me. Seconds after Calum let me go, Ashton was beside me again. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and smiled sweetly at me. 

‘You guys would be such a cute couple,’ one of the fans said while snapping a picture of us.

I giggled ‘Thank you love, but were just friends.’

Ashton pouted and fake cried ‘But Ali, I thought you loved me?’

‘Sorry to burst your bubble Ash, but Alison already loves me,’ Michael said while crossing his arms. 

Luke shook his head ‘Excuse me? Too bad for you guys but Ali is mine’

‘What? Stop lying lads, Ali is my girlfriend!’ Calum grinned.

The fans laughed at the boys silly performance and I couldn’t help but laugh too. This was one of the reasons why I loved them so much. 

‘Well you could always share me,’ I joked.

A blonde girl with a All Time Low t-shirt tapped on my shoulder ‘Can we get a picture with you and Ash?’

I looked at my best friend and nodded when he smiled ‘Sure!’

The girl called her friends and asked another fan to take the picture. I put my arms around two girls and smiled at the camera.

‘Thank you so much! It was nice meeting you Ali’

After taking some more pictures with the fans Ashton decided it was time to go home. Because it was already midnight the boys would sleep at my house so they didn’t have to wake their parents. We barely fitted in Rowan’s car, I had to sit on Ash’s his lab and Mali was sitting on her brothers lab. Michael sat next to me and Ash, and Luke was in the front seat next to Rowan. I leaned at Ashton’s chest and fought to keep my eyes open, for some reason I felt really tired.

‘Ali? Don’t you think it’s a better idea if Mali and Cal sleep at my house? Then Ash can sleep with you and Michael and Luke can sleep in your guest room.’ 

I yawned and looked at the Hood’s ‘Yeah, if you guys are okay with it? You can also sleep at my house but I think Rowan her guest room is  probably more comfy then my couch. ‘ 

‘It’s fine by me, what do you think bro?’ Mali looked at Calum but the poor boy fell asleep.

She giggled ‘We will sleep at yours Rowan.’

Ash let his chin lean on my shoulder ‘Is your dad okay with us sleeping at your house?’

I shrugged ‘I don’t think he’ll mind, we’ll have to be silent though.’

‘He won’t mind, Mali and I already talked to him about it,’ Rowan said.

I gasped ‘Wait, you mean my dad knew about this?’ 

She grinned ‘Of course he knew darling, everyone knew except for you.' 

I huffed ‘Yeah because I was too stupid to see all the hints you guys were leaving for me.’

‘Don’t worry about it babe, it made the surprise even better,’ Ashton whispered in my ear.

His breath tickled in my neck and it made me shiver lightly. His arms were around my waist and I could feel his heartbeat against my back. I wished we could stay like this forever.



‘Don’t let me go.’


I slowly relaxed and with a happy feeling I closed my eyes. With Ariana Grande’s voice coming out of Rowan’s radio I felt sleep take over my body.

‘Goodnight Ali,’ was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep. 


Thank you for reading, I hope you like it (: xx

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