Chapter 8

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(That's her outfit for magcon)

Ariana's Pov:

"And now I present the magcon boys and O2L!!!!" The announcer yelled. The boys went on stage. "And we would like to present a very special guest, my sister..... ARIANA DALLAS!!!" Cam screamed into the microphone. I heard a lot of cheering and occasional booing. I had my head low and walked up on stage. I sat in the chair next to Cam. "Ok so we are doing a live Q & A, ask away" Taylor said.

I saw so many hands go up. Wow they have millions of fans here. "yes you in the pink Cameron Dallas shirt"Connor exclaimed. I looked. It was a girl who bullied me at school. Ashley and her gang, Bianca and Brittney. The meanest girls you'll ever meet. May I add also the FAKEST girls ever.

"Yeah my question is, why is that slut on your stage? She's probably sleeping with all the boys" she said and smirked. I felt a tear fall down my face. "Hey leave her alone! You call her a slut! Look what your wearing! F**king boody shorts and half shirt!" I believe Brent yelled. Everyone was booing me. I ran off the stage before anything could happen. Why are people so cruel?

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