Chapter 15

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My horrible plot twist lol. Enjoy!

Ariana's Pov:

I woke up. Everything was a dream. The boys stop bullying me. Going to Magcon, everything. I silently cried. I wished it was real. I changed into a lilac cardigans, white tank top, high waisted skinny jeans, and black with white lace converse. I noticed no one was down stairs. How? They are always down stairs. Waiting to beat me. I grabbed my phone and went outside. I decided to skip school today and go to the salon. I got my hair dyed light brown like it was in my dream. How was your dream so detailed? I'm confused! I don't even know what I'm suppose to do with my life!

Is everything in my dream gonna happen? Do I really have a crush? I saw Katherine. She saw me and her face beamed with joy. "Ariana! I woke up and I was in my room of home, my parents are still alive! What happened?" Sh asked confused. "I-I think we were sent in the past" I stuttered. Fear filled her face. "So my adopted parents, are still going to die?" She whispered. I hugged her. "We got to think of a plan, fast" she ordered. So we did just that........

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