Special Chapter 1: What Happened To...

Start from the beginning

Both were found guilty and sentenced to 15 years for Nick and 10 for Paul. They served their full time and disappeared on release.


Despite trying to avoid trouble, Tul implicated his father in many of his decisions and had recorded evidence to prove it. Tri was eventually arrested and tried for accessory to several of Tul's crimes. However, her verdict was not guilty as there was insufficient hard evidence to prove that he did play a role. Tapes can be altered after all and this was proved in court. Tri continues to keep a low profile to this day. Tin does not allow his father to interact with any of his children and discourages Phupha from being involved with the old man.


Boy where to start with this one. Hin testified against Tul and was the straw that broke the camel's back. On seeing Hin after the man seemed to have disappeared, Tul was struck dumb and then to have him testify against him was too much. Tul lost it in court and had to be taken down by the bailiff and several other officers. Hin completed his testimony after Tul was removed and proved to be the iceberg that sunk his Titanic. 

Tul was sentenced to 70 years in prison and died there.


Despite what his father had done, Tin and Can took PhuPha in and continued to raise him. They never stopped him from visiting his father but dissuaded him from meeting with Tri. They personally didn't want Tri to influence Phu and set him up the way he did Tul.

Can and Tin managed to secure some monies for Phu and set up a trust for him. They moved him to an international school and monitored him to ensure the other student were not picking on him. Phu was very straight but now also very cautious. When he liked a girl and she showed interest in him, he had her investigated by their first date. 

Also as time passed, he visited his father less and less, especially when the first 'baby brother' arrived when he was 14. 

The Strange Visitor That Seemed To Disappear Into Thin Air

After getting more money from Can, he went to by more drugs and booze. Me managed to make this money last for a couple of months before he came back but this time he met Tin. The young man gave him a hard look before he nodded to someone behind the visitor. He was grabbed roughly and dragged away. Anyone around would have heard him shouting, "You can't do this to me! I'll tell my son about this! Can save me!"

He was never seen or heard from again and Can mostly forgot about him. When he did recall him on the odd moment, Tin would say nothing and act just as clueless.

Several years passed before a report came to him that the man had died from a snake bite in the jungles of India. Tin had apparently sent him off to work with an archaeologist friend who liked to explore far parts for years. He never knew his son had children.

Pond and Aim

This lovely couple would marry and grow old together. They did have their moments and Aim even threatened divorce at one point but they settled down and had 3 kids together. Their children often were seen with Ae and Pete or Tin and Can and vice versa. Of all his friends, Pond managed to have the most normal and quiet life.

Dear and his Husband

Dear and his husband raised 4 boys together. Each boy came back with them from one of their work trips to some new site overseas. None of the boys could speak Thai but they were soon bilingual and the boys would eventually often travel with their fathers and a tutor. When they were 16, they finally settled back home and were able to finally spend time with the uncles they mostly talked to on the computer screen.

Sun and Ryu

Sun and Ryu had no interest in children until Ryu held Primrose just after she was born. This caused Ryu to have a change of heart and they adopted a new born with complications. He died when he was 4 due to his heart disease. Sun point blank refused to have another child but Ryu finally wore him down and this time they not only adopted but went the surrogate route. They would finally settle for 3 adopted boys and produce 2 girls through the surrogates. 

Diew and Pinnie

Diew finally told all his friends what his work was when he downscaled at 30 and moved back to Thailand to work in the national security office. He also finally married Pinnie at 32. They are the only married couple of the friends who never had children.


Manx never married or had children. He made movies his entire life and would eventually leave his shares in the company to Ryu's son Nilo and Pete's Primrose. During his lifetime, he would win several awards and managed to have his movies show in mainstream theaters. Besides turning books into movies, he would also go on to make some original pieces that won critical acclaim as well as awards.


Sheri was a special case. She quietly sat and watched everything play out then came to see Ae in his office. She offered him another option. Leave Pete and this madness and be with her. He would never have any regrets. Ae smiled at her and told her point blank he was the happiest he had ever been and he would be happier still if she never bothered him again. He didn't care about her secrets. He didn't need to expose her. He just wanted her to go and be happy.

Sheri continues to go to events and pretend as thought she cares about all the many groups she represents. She avoids Ae and Pete as much as she can. Since there was never any proof that she was involved in the kidnapping and DNA theft, she managed to come out of that situation unscratched. 

However eventually, all things must come to light. While doing a controversial photo shoot, a very tenacious reporter discovers that Sheri is living a lie and exposes her to the general public with receipts. Many of the brands that she represents would drop her with proof that she does not support their brands. She looses many contracts and a lot of fan respect. Netizens were quite harsh and there was a lot of hate comments directed at her. Sheri made a decision and taking her millions from modelling, she moves to Europe and began doing small magazine work there. She never marries or has children and does not return to Thailand.

So after this comes the Dinner Chapter. Please mention anyone I may have missed and I'll add them and repost this chapter. Tom and Kino will get their own chapter. Tin and Can get a chapter just because its them. Ae and Pete will close things off.

Anything else I need to remember?

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