Chapter 16 : An unexpected arrival

ابدأ من البداية

"Sana, you go alone. I have something important to do," I looked for the keys of my car that was between my make-up bag, my folders and my books.

"Excuse me bitch? How the fuck of the ending of world you mean by you go alone?" 

"Look, for once you have the right to be the student who doesn't give a shit about her classes so enjoy it," I huffed. Sana was the worst in our group when it came to attending classes. She was skipping so much that some professors didn't remember her.

"Wait, are you encouraging me to go home?"

"Yes Sana. We'll call each other tonight with the others, bye!" I gave her a quick kiss before walking quickly to the exit. My day was finally going to be exciting.


Sitting at the bottom of my sofa wrapped in the thickest blanket I had at home, I remembered times when I was still able to breathe. Here I was suffering with my stuffy nose, my puffy eyes, my headache where the feeling was like 10 hammers hitting my skull. Pain in my arms and legs made me feel that it was enough for me to make a movement to let a scream of agony.

I hated being sick especially at this time of year when the climate was the same as in Antarctica and people didn't want to leave their homes. 

With trembling hands, I reached the smoking cup of tea on the coffee table. It has been 5 minutes since I let it cool down but it was still as hot as I flinched when the tip of my tongue came into contact with the liquid that was similar to lava. 

"Erk, I missed Mom's ginger tea again. Damn it if I had the recipe on hand," I muttered, being disappointed with the taste of the tea. I could have made a simple phone call to her, but knowing her, she would dramatize the situation.

I thought I would be able to go to class this morning, but when I saw stars around my head, I quickly realized that my condition wasn't going to allow me to. Especially if I wanted to avoid making a whole scene, for example, pass out and have an ambulance come and get me.  I'm sure it would have a memorable scene for my students.

However, I didn't plan on twiddling my thumbs. I was typing my next lessons even if I had to stop a few times when I felt like I was going to puke any second now. I decided to close my eyes to make these headaches go away except that I didn't have time when someone rang at my door. I wasn't expecting anyone, but whoever was behind the door was impatient because he or she was continually pressing the doorbell that I had to shout I'm coming jeez.

Two options popped in my head. Either I had taken too much medication and the side effects were starting to play tricks on me or Jennie Kim was really standing at my door. In both cases, it was not good. 

"Hello Ms. Manoban, I brought you some fresh vegetable soups from one of the best organic restaurants in town. I also have ingredients to prepare tea for you," she invited herself into the apartment as if nothing had happened. I was particularly confused and didn't have time to be angry because I didn't understand the situation.

"What is this masquerade?"

"I know it's very confusing why one of your students is in your apartment, but I'm going to make an effort to put my annoying ass side aside, so do the same with your questions. Make yourself comfortable while I prepare all this, okay?" she touched the tip of my nose with her finger treating me like a child. Deep down I wanted to yell at her and throw her out of my house, but the hammer blows were getting better and better, so I ended up following what she was asking for.

I heard the gas stove and the microwave turn on, the fridge opened, the utensils ringing. I was just hoping she wasn't going to destroy my kitchen.

"Drink it," she handed me a cup of tea that smelled strangely like the ginger tea my mother made for me. I looked at her with a suspicious look causing her to roll her eyes, "I didn't put on sleeping pills. Necrophilia is not my thing,"

"We must always be careful with you, Kim," I brought the cup close to my nose and took a deep breath. The peppery and spicy smell hit my nostrils. Vague childhood memories surface where I sat at the table with my parents and my mother had made gingerbread rolls in the shape of a fir tree. I took a look at Jennie who was sitting next to me waiting impatiently to see my reaction.

The liquid in the mouth was an explosion of flavors that I was looking to produce over and over again. The taste was the same as my mother's. No one was able to dose the ingredients as I wanted. 

"Delicious, right?" she grinned being satisfied with my surprised face, "I'm glad you like it. There's some left in the saucepan. The soups are in the refrigerator, at least you will sleep with a light stomach. It's full of vitamins, by tomorrow you should have your energy back," she turned on her laptop and started typing on her keyboard as if I didn't exist.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" she stopped at what she was doing and sighed.

"Yes, Ms. Manoban. I'm sorry I skipped classes but I was really not motivated especially when I knew you were sick, I couldn't be focused for the rest of the day," she leaned towards my face, flicked her eyes between my lips and my eyes.

"You're a sweet talker today huh?" 

"I told you I was going to be good, but only for today," she traced a finger along my jaw before returning to her place with her laptop on her lap.

"So in that case, I'm going to enjoy the nice Jennie Kim to the fullest. Go and serve me another cup of tea and bring me a pillow," she immediately got up in a soldier position.

"Yes sir!" 

For the next few hours, I kept giving her orders that she didn't have time to rest for a second. I refrained from laughing when I saw her face but I wanted to know how far she could play the nice girl. To my surprise, she never lost it and was even softer with me. Between making me tea and massaging my head, Jennie would not refuse any of my orders.

"Do you need anything else?" she had in her hand a washcloth that she had just changed to put on my head and a plate where she had prepared little cookies, she was completely adorable that I wanted to reward her.

"Yes," I patted my lap and she she looked at me dumbfoundly, "Come here," She placed the things on the kitchen counter. She grabbed my hand pulling it towards me so that she could sit down. Even running around the house, she still smelled as good as ever. Realizing that I could smell her scent, I was giddy because my nose was no longer stuffy, "Thank you for taking care of me," 

She looked down where my head was buried in her neck. She played with my hair and scratched me with her nails on my neck like a little kitten, "You know, you're cuter when you don't show your professor side. I mean, I only like your dominant side in bed,"

"Kiiiiim! Don't start it," 

"Hahaha I'm kidding. I mean I'm serious that I love your dominant side in bed-" I was about to cut her off again when she defended herself before I had time to do it "-but I'll stop annoying you. Now take a nap, I'll wake you up to take your medicine,"

With that, I placed myself comfortably with her in my arms. The heat emanating from her body warmed me up and kept me from trembling. My eyelids fell off on their own as if they had reached their limit. Before I fell asleep, I felt her lips on my cheek whispering you're really a big baby when you're a sick. 

Bad lust - JENLISAحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن