"Who's they?" Hayley smirked, to which Josh muttered "...Brendon."

"Oh, you're a friend of Brendon?"

"Obviously." Josh frowned. "I mean- I kinda live here."

"You must be important then." Hayley laughed before adding "you know what, Josh. You're kinda cute." Josh grinned slightly before he stood up properly. "I've gotta go ask Brendon something, I'll catch ya'."

Josh made his way through the kitchen, beer clutched in hand even though he never really thought to drink it. The beer acted as a security blanket, helping Josh to blend into the sea of people. He walked with a purpose, purely intent on finding Brendon before he crashed into a brick wall of a person.

As Josh began to let out profuse apologies, he's stopped in his tracks when he saw who the wall truly was.

"Tyler Joseph? Dude, where have you been? I used to love seeing your performances!" Josh grinned up at the taller boy.

"Who are you? Some groupie of Brendon's?" Tyler glares, turning back to Ryan who shrugged. Josh stands there for a moment, perplexed.

This wasn't the Tyler he used to watch on his tv, the boy who respected his fans just as much as they worshipped him. The Tyler Joseph that earned a place on Josh's poster wall in his bedroom, Josh wondered if Tyler even remembered him from the signings he used to go to as often as he could. What the heck was up with Ryan, too? The two weren't close but Ryan knew who Josh was, he lived with the guy's lead singer for christ's sake. With this thought in mind, Josh bit his tongue and turned to leave.

With his head hung low, Josh continued on his search for Brendon. He tried to wet his mouth with the beer but his tongue remained painfully dry. He felt ashamed, both because he let someone disregard him like that and because someone he thought of so highly of actually saw him that way.

Josh found himself in a crowd, ears being blasted by some shitty remixes Brendon thought would be fun to play. As his senses overload, Josh feels his empty hand being taken into a much smaller and softer one. He looks across to Hayley, who's chest was suddenly pressed against his.

As Josh went to apologise for the lack of space, she whispered into his ear "show me your room, loverboy." And with that, Josh found his past turmoil easily forgotten.

All eyes turned to the pair as they crossed through the living room and up the same stairs that a few other hook-ups had climbed too. Who was this nobody? And what was he doing with Hayley fucking Williams? In the crowd, a pair of chocolate eyes watched them closely, the loathing in his chest bubbling with a feeling similar to heartache.

Josh lead Hayley to his room, a firm grip on her soft hand. He made sure to knock first, knowing they weren't the only pair with these intentions.

He flicked the light switch on, a soft red haze of light filling the luxurious bedroom. Hayley glanced around the room, a gentle smile graced her lips when she saw a poster of her own band stuck to the wall.

"You're a fan, loverboy?" She grinned, to which he retorted "I respect good music- Like I have all these posters- Like I'm not a super fan I'm just-" Hayley began to giggle while he rambled before pushing him onto the bed and kissing him roughly.

Rock and roll baby, don't you know that

We're all alone now

-Paramore, Crushcrushcrush

Josh shuffled around the house, cleaning up all the empty cans of beer while Brendon whined 'like a little bitch' on the couch. There was only so much that Advil and water could do to soothe one of Brendon's hangovers. Perhaps that was why Brendon let Josh live with him, just so that he could have a maid who would cook, clean, baby him, and show him a good time when Ryan wasn't willing to take his pants off.

"I told you not to take all those shots, Boyd." Josh tutted as his swung a trash bag over his shoulder and frowned at the older boy.

"You know drunk me, you have to tie me down to a chair if you want me to stop drinking." Brendon huffed, making Josh crack a smile.

Josh was barely even hungover, in fact, he was glowing- sex with Hayley Williams was just as good, if not better than a blowjob from Brendon.

Brendon only began to sulk further when his cell phone started to ring, afraid that it was his manager asking him to actually start writing something for their next album. However, he only frowned questioningly when he saw that it was Ryan.

"What's up?" He asked worriedly, Ryan never calls him.

"Dude, have you been on Twitter today? Your roommate is everywhere."

"Someone uploaded a video of him having sex?" Brendon asked, suddenly alarmed.

"Someone what!" Josh called out from the door, back from the bin run.

Ryan rolled his eyes on the other side of the phone.

"No, dumbass. Hayley put in one hell of a good word for Josh. Now all of her fans are crazy to see him give some interviews."

Sure enough, Josh pulled out his laptop and his social media on all platforms was booming. There were even messages from other musicians who wanted to catch an interview, most likely in hope that this new Josh Dun fan base would give them extra attention.

Brendon and Josh gawked at each other with an equal amount of shock.

"Dude! They like you!"


Hey, @stomxchxches and I have made Twitter accounts for Ryan, Brendon, Tyler and Josh just to follow along with this story. Be sure to check them out for some extra cheesy character moments.

Tyler: tylerthebrikwal

Josh: lvrboyj

Ryan: theunrealry

Brendon: BendonBroyd 

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