"Now, shall we?" the scientist said. It was like there was someone else in my father's shell. He turned the doorknob and opened the door.


Inside was a perfect replica of Jordan's apartment. The TV, the gaming setup, the sofa. They all look... the same.

There were LED screens in place of the windows to depict the scene of the outside world.

This was how his apartment looked like just before the disease started spreading. When it did, his apartment was burned down. The scientists brought Jordan in to live in the institute so that they could keep an eye on him. After that, we heard nothing about Jordan. I thought he was dead, but...

There he was. Right in front of me.

Jordan Maron was sitting on the sofa, staring at the ground.

"Yes, Merk? You need a new video" Jordan asked somewhat coldly.

"Oh Jordan, your visitors will create a bad impression of you." My fath- no, the mad scientist went forward and gave Jordan a peck on the cheek.

Did he just- what the hell.

Did he just... kiss... Jordan...what.

"In order to stop my brain from rotting fully, I can't just watch his videos and like him. I have to love him. I see him every day, which often exposes me to the rather harmful and powerful virus. After all, he is the main source of it. There needs to be something more... powerful to keep the virus away from me." Another kiss.

"Like LOVE... you know?" Another peck, this time on the other cheek. He was using one hand to caress Jordan's cheek, the one he wasn't kissing. Jordan had this poker face on him, like he was totally used to it.

Daniel had politely turned away from this strange scene. He was now facing the corridor, gagging.

"Can you...not..." He managed to say.

Jordan looked up, noticing the 3 very shocked teenagers standing at the door. He stared back.

The scientist wrapped Jordan in an embrace, "He hasn't had any visitors until now."

He patted Jordan's cheek, "Have you recorded that vlog yet?"

Jordan slowly shook his head. The scientist looked angry at first but he started smiling a few minutes later.

"Well it's okay. It's your last day here anyway. And I also wanted to show our guests here how things work. Can you do it now?"

So, he did knew he was going to die soon.

That question sounded more like an order than a question. Jordan nodded, and he quietly stood up, then went to one of the rooms, where Jordan used to record his videos.

He then placed a camera on a camera stand. He checked to make sure it was of the right height and the camera was focusing on him, then he started recording and plonked down on one of chairs in the room.

We in the room and out of the camera's view, watching the whole process.

"Alright. What's going on dudes?

I... uhh have an important announcement to make today.

*takes a deep breath in*


*breathes out*

I would like to thank everyone who has been supporting this channel until now. My family, my friend and my subscribers. Thank you.

Real Illusions (Captainsparklez)Where stories live. Discover now