Start from the beginning

"'Yeah, I'm this supernatural anchor that connects the two worlds together, so...'" Caroline resumed in a playful manner, stifling her own laugh.

"'Technically, I'm a ghost, that people can still see, and touch, so...'" Minerva finished, that earns her a 'Seriously?' look from Bonnie, "You know I had to."

"Okay, so I left out a detail...or two. I'll explain when she visits. How big is this party going to be?" Bonnie asked as she shakes her head a little.

Caroline and Minerva share a playful 'Oh, it's big, alright' look briefly.

"Well, let's see. Alexandra, Silas and Tessa are gone, and you finally aren't." Elena begun, "Along with your brother Luka, by the way, that's a bonus."

"Which equals a massive cause for celebration!" Minerva continued, "Which equals a massive party, obviously. Come on, do the Math, Bonnie."

"Sorry. I'm not prepared yet." The recent freshman told them guiltily.

"Hopefully it's big. I mean, since each of us have only made one friend in college so far. Well, except for you, so..." Elena said to Minerva and shrugs.

"And given that mine went radio silent after he kissed me, and yours was last seen at a tea party for a vampire-hating secret society." Caroline added.

"Hmm...Augustine, right? The one who covered up your roommate's death and wants you kicked off from campus." Bonnie recalled, which Minerva smiles at this while Elena and Caroline give her a knowing look, "What? I've kept up! The other side is boring. What else am I supposed to do?"

Minerva simply nods once to resume, "Alright. So, Augustine wants us gone. Let's just say, nobody cares and my party matters more, so--"

"Wait, did you just say your party?" Elena halted her, "It's the twins'--"

"Yeah, well, I'm the one who figured to host it, unlike you--"

"Here we go." Caroline sighs and cuts in between them, "You guys. Stop."

Bonnie chuckles good-heartedly by this, "I can't say I missed that."

"So yeah. Salty Augustine? Don't know them. We're moving on with our lives, together, as functional supernaturals--" Minerva announced in a clear tone that the rest of them laugh slightly, "--and we have a party."

"With Jell-O shots." The Forbes girl added on as a reminder.

Bonnie looks at her cell phone, "Oh, shoot. Um, I have to go register for classes." Caroline and Elena share a look while Minerva smirks, "What?"

"Nothing." The pair of vampire best friends replied in unison.

Bonnie turns around, smiling when she hears Minerva who lowly spoke, "Have fun registering." The trio tease Bonnie, acting like they are making out before the three laugh at Bonnie's reaction before she rushes out.

Later on around the campus courtyard, Elena and Minerva are handing out flyers to the rest of their colleagues while they are speaking about Damon, who his girlfriend spoke to on the phone earlier. Damon, however, remains at home in Mystic Falls with Rosie and Stefan after the Silas aftermath.

"Okay. I know this is going to sound lame, but--"

"Anytime you start with 'this is going to sound lame', guess what, hon? It is!" Minerva quickly interrupted her with a wide grin on her lovely face.

Elena sighs, "Mins, this is for Bonnie and Luka, and you know how Damon, and especially you and Rosie, had a really big part in bringing them back, so, I think they should come, you know what I mean? As gratitude, you know."

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