Chapter One

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It's Valentine's day and I'm about to take my beautiful fiancee out for dinner. She is getting ready to go. We made it past the two month mark. We were all worried what might have happened but she is healthy and so is our baby. I think it's going to be a boy but she seems to think it's going to be a girl. I can't believe how lucky I am with a girl like Starry she's so smart and beautiful she has the best hearts like her mom. I go find her in our room.
" Hey Starry you about ready baby?" I asked.
" Yea just about it took a bit to find something that fit over this baby belly." She says. I walked behind her and put my hands on her belly and kissed the spot behind her ear. She is so beautiful and she's all mine.
" I love your baby belly. I was just thinking." I say.
" I know I heard and just like I'm all yours you are all mine." She say.  While she's putting on her earrings I get on my knees and kiss her belly. I'm always talking to our baby.
" How's my little one in there? Mommy and Daddy can't wait for you to come out and meet you." I say to her belly. She giggles at that.
" You are such a dork." She says. I smile up at her.
" I maybe a dork but I'm your dork." I say.
" That you are my darling!" She says. We get downstairs and I help her out her coat on and grab her hand and lead her down the steps to the car.
" Milady your chariot awaits." I say as I hold the door open to the Lamborghini. She's still giggling. We get to the restaurant and give them our name for the reservation. I pull her chair out and I sit down in front of her.

After we got seated I heard a lot of women's thoughts about Tristin. Yea he has that affect on them. At six foot three blonde hair crystal blue eyes. He has an amazing body of course he's an alien also. They usually are perfect he is perfect. The server came to our table and introduce themselves and asked if we would like a drink
" I'll have a coke and she would like a water with lemon please?" Tristin says.
" Alright then I'll get those for you then come back to take your order." He says.
" Do you want any appetizers babe?" He asked me.
" Sure you pick one." I say.
" Ok how about the sample platter it has pretty much everything you like!" He says. He's so thoughtful of me.
" Sounds great. What are you getting?" I asked. He gives me that smile I love so much knowing what's he's getting. He always goes for the steak and potatoes.
" Let me guess the steak with mashed potatoes no gravy side of broccoli?" I asked.
" You know me well!" He says.
" I better I spent almost four years with you!" With a smile.
" I love it when you smile." He says. He's such a charmer. The server comes back with our drinks and takes our order.
" Ill be right back honey gotta make a run to the restroom." I say.
" He licking your bladder again?" Tristin asked with his eyes sparkling.
" Yes she is!" I say.
" He!"
" She!" I say laughing. He gets up helps me pull my chair out and I go to the restroom. Trying to use the bathroom is becoming a chore now. After I'm done I wash my hands and meet my fiance back at the table. He sees me and his eyes light up. After helping me sit back down I heard others thoughts on how much of a gentleman he is and they wish their partners was like that.we ate our dinner and he got us some desert.
" Hey beautiful I have something for you!" He says.
" Hmm and what is that exactly?" I say.
" Starry you have made my life complete. Without you it's not worth living. You have giving me everything I ever could ask for. Your love, your soul and most importantly your heart. I can't ever thank you for the life you are building a wonderful life with me and I wanted to give you something special.!" He pauses. Hearing people around they think he's going to propose sorry ladies he's ready done that. He pulls out a box with a red bow.
" Here this is for you the love of my life." He says. I take the box and open it. My eyes start  to water. It's a locket with my and his picture on one side and the Sono of our first baby on the other. The back is engraved.

I know this won't make up the loss we had but this one will always be in our memory.
                  Love you always and forever
" Starry you ok baby?" He asked.
" Yes I.. I'm sorry. This is just so beautiful and thoughtful. Your amazing for thinking about this." I say with tears in my eyes. He puts his hand on my cheek and rubs it with his thumb
" You have nothing to be sorry about. It was the least I could do." He says. After desert we head back home and I took advantage of him in bed.
" Sounds like Adam and Shelly are home too." I say.
" It sounds like it!" I say. We made love then after he put his hands on my belly.
" I love you!" He says.
" I love you to !" I say.
" I was talking to our baby!" He says with a smile.
" Oh you think your funny don't you?" I asked.
" I know I am now kiss me!" He says.
" So demanding." I kissed him.

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