Christmas - Crowley x OC

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Since I forgot to post this on Christmas. Here it is.

Charlie was not in a good mood, she had been forced to spend the evening with her Christian family, and how she wished they were a little looser on their ideologies because they hated the simple fact that she was Bisexual. It wasn't that she didn't like men, it's just that she liked women too, but that was vulgar to their extreme views.

But she decided she had enough when her damn mother started complaining over dinner that her interests should be strictly boys.

"That's just biphobic." Charlie hissed in annoyance as she stood up with a glare. "I am not standing for it." She complained as she stormed out the kitchen and into the hallway to collect her coat before she left.

She felt the tears begin when no one followed her or even attempted to stop her, so instead she left, out into the cold Soho air.

She shivered at the harsh winds that bit into her 'damned' soul. She wasn't Christian like them, but she had Christian friends who were amazing and supported her more than anyone else. Her family were just old fashioned and stuck to the oldest views and she hated it. Even her friends said they took it too far.

Her plan was to go to her friend Adam's house, but her eyes caught a sign from the musty old bookshop around the corner from her grandmothers house;

'Free hot chocolate and company this warm Christmas.'

Charlie raised her brows in amusement before sighing and walking inside. She smiled timidly at a man wearing almost all white with an icy blue Christmas jumper and an icy blue Santa hat who stood by the door with a plate of hot cookies.

"Hello! Welcome to my bookstore." The man smiled, "my name is Aziraphale." He basically sung, causing Charlie to flinch slightly at his cheery tone.

"I'm Charlie.." she mumbled unsurely. "Hey, I think you may need to change your sign." She pointed out with raised brows, causing him to furrow his.

Suddenly, a tall skinny dude wearing all black with a Doctor Who Christmas jumper on and wicked shades sauntered over with a shït eating grin. "Because it sounds like there are prostitutes?" He asked, causing Charlie to nod with a frown.

"Oh.. I should probably go and change that. Crowley, can you get everyone out that is waiting for prostitutes? Uh, tell them that they could stay if they wish." He rushed out sadly.

"I feel terrible for saying anything now." Charlie mumbled as the man, Crowley, laughed.

"Don't be, love. He's very oblivious." He assured before raising his voice. "Alright! Everyone here waiting for prostitutes, your not going to get any! I was a misunderstanding. Feel free to stay if you don't want to deal with the crushing disappointment." Basically everyone left. Everyone left but Crowley and Charlie, causing for her to send him a half smile before she rushed over to browse the books.

"So, you're not here for the prostitution?" Crowley teased from behind her as he lazily followed her around.

Charlie almost choked on the biscuit she was eating. "Oh, definitely not." She laughed, turning towards him. "Far from that, actually." She admitted.

"Are you religious? Aziraphale would hate to offend you accidentally. He's a pretty strong believer in god." He told her. "I, on the other hand, at a satanist."

She raised her brows. "Who would have thought, a satanist friends with a Christian?" She teased, whilst Crowley shrugged at her. "I don't really believe in anything, my family however, they're like old style Christians. If you didn't believe in god, you were wrong, but I have a friend Alicia, she's a lesbian and a Christian, she is accepted in her church still, my family would have killed her." She explained before cringing. "Sorry, oversharing."

Crowley raised his brow. "Aye, it's fine. Angel over there is the only one who talks to me, overshare all you want." He commented, "any reason you don't have a religion?"

"Not really. Any reason you're a satanist?" She shot back, Crowley raised his eyebrows.

"Absolutely none." He replied coolly. "Come on, Angel is taking his time and I want to get drunk." With a laugh, Charlie found herself following Crowley to the back room where a whole lot of alcohol had been hidden.

She laughed loudly. "Oh, this will be fun." She admitted..

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