Quarantine - Crowley x OC

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I just had to.

Richie Blake was extremely antisocial, so being locked up in her large lavish flat with her overbearing, extremely social and eccentric roommate was not on her high priority list. Yet, here they were, ducking it up as the world fought against the corona virus.

"Rich!" Crowley called out as he chatted to his friend in their shared office space. The girl in question was currently caring for Crowley's plants, which he seemed to have a mind for shouting at them. "Rich!" Being the antisocial girl she was, Richie had her earphones in and her music blasting at full volume, attempting to make a positive out of a negative situation.

"That god forsaken girl." Crowley muttered as he began to make his way towards the plant room, the phone held against his ear. Crowley didn't want to get a roommate, but when he realised that he had been neglecting his funds and his best friend, who he was currently talking to, Aziraphale had suggested a roommate, he didn't see the harm in trying. "Rich." He repeated, coming up behind her and ripping out an earphone.

Biting back a frown when he realised that she was listening to Falling In Reverse again, Crowley pointed to the phone. "Zira wants to talk to you." The expression in the girl's face was almost laughable to Crowley as her eyes widened in surprise and she began to panic. "Oh, calm down, you big baby. He just wants to check up on you. Don't trust my judgement."

Richie rolled her eyes. "If anyone did, it would be a shock." She mumbled in surprise, hesitantly taking the phone from his hand. "Uh.. hi."

Crowley's best friend and opposite rattled in for a good half an hour before Crowley decided to rescue the poor girl from her suffering, though he immediately regretted his choice as she disappeared quickly into her room.

"Angel. I can't be trapped in here. I don't have to be." He complained, glaring out the door where she had disappeared. "I need someone to talk to face to face." He continued.

Aziraphale laughed softly. "She don't know that you can't catch the virus. You're just going to have to.. endure it." He mused lightly. "Try to talk to her. Break the girl out of her shell, you live together for crying out loud. You should know some of her habits." There was a tense moment. "Right?" The angel added for reassurance, though he received none.

"I'm working on it," was all Crowley said before he hung up and turned to the plants with fiery eyes. "Grow!" He yelled out angrily, not expecting the smaller occupant to dart into the room with a frown.

"Don't talk to my plant like that." She frowned, making her way over to the plants Crowley had previously been yelling at, ones he didn't buy. "They need attention and care. Basic necessities for any living thing."

Crowley thought for a moment. "Tell them to grow better. My plants have been slacking." He told her stiffly, ignoring her frown as she touched the healthy leaf of one of his plants. "Besides, you seem to be doing fine without them." She snorted but said no more as she gathered her thoughts and stood again.

"Leave my babies alone." She mumbled, shuffling out the room. However, this time Crowley blocked her exit. "Can I just.." she trailed off seeing his deadpan look.

"Come on, tiny. We're going to spend some time together." He sighed, waiting for her to protest, but she didn't. "Great. What do normal people do?" He asked her, moving out of her way to follow her around.

Richie chuckled and threw her head back. "Anything but what we do." She hummed, bopping her head to the song she was listening to so happily. "I have monopoly and frustration.. oh, and ker-plunk." The demon frowned, knowing that the next couple months we're going to be spent playing board games with his awkward roommate.

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