"Since I have no responsibilities now I thought I'd see what you do here"

"I hope you enjoy every minute of it"

They both wore the necessary clothes for the first scene. Gwyneth put on a formal outfit with high heels and Robert some casual clothes and not a suit like I'd expect. When the make up artists were done with both of them we all went to the room the scene was taking place. It was Tony's workshop. Robert was alone in the beginning of the scene, working on his iron man suits. Then Gwyneth came in and started talking to him about the company and then they started walking. I was behind the cameramen and followed them around as they moved along with Robert and Gwyneth. Robert finds a painting in front of him and takes it in his hands.

"This is modern art" he says and stands on top of the kitchen counter with the painting in his hands.

Gwyneth lectures him about the painting and the other painting he's going to replace with it. Then Robert starts yelling back at Gwyneth from his position and I can't help but laugh at the sight. He looks so tiny up there and his head almost hits the wall. They continue for a couple more minutes and then the scene is over. They both listen to the director and what he has to say to them and then Robert comes over to me.

(A/N after I wrote that I remembered this is actually from Iron Man 2, sorry)

"I couldn't help but notice you enjoyed the scene"

"You're so right, Mr. Stark" as soon as I call him that I see a smirk forming on his face.

"Mr. Stark, huh?" he asks.

"That's who you are, isn't it?"

"I sure am"

"I've heard so many good rumours about you, Mr. Stark" I say and bite my lip.

"Don't you have an opinion of your own about me, Ms. West?" he asks and he rests his hand on my back, chills immediately running through my body.

"I haven't had the chance to experience your talents up close"

"Really? Because I would've sworn I recall you and me in my trailer back there"

"Weird, I recall Mr. Downey with me there"

"I hear he's very talented as well"

"He sure is but I have to try you out before I compare you" I say and smile.

"It'll be my pleasure"

He manages to kiss me one time before they called his name to shoot the scene again. Many scenes followed this one and I kept making fun of him about the heels he was wearing and the fact that he was smaller than Gwyneth. I didn't take it too far though because I knew he could feel uncomfortable about it.

The more I watched him act and get in the role of Tony Stark the more I discovered my attraction for this role. I always found Robert sexy but him in this role woke up more excitement and lust for him. Maybe the fact that I hadn't seen him acting for a while had something to do with it but that doesn't change the result.

We all had lunch together and I stayed there until the shooting was over. I really enjoyed spending time with Robert and with the rest of the crew. I bonded more with some people and remembered how much fun it is shooting a movie with a good environment.

We returned to the house and it was late. We had food waiting for us because we asked our cook to prepare something nice so this day would have an equally nice ending.

"Did you have fun today?" Robert asked me when we took our seats on the table.

"Definitely, you are such a great group"

"You can visit anytime you want. It's an easy way to spend more time together"

"Be careful, I might show up regularly and then maybe you'll get tired of me"

"Don't even joke about it. You know how much I miss you. I really loved having you around all day today" he says and places his hand over mine romantically.

"I'll visit you more often then. The whole day brought back so many memories of us working together. I actually missed acting"

"You can wait for a good job offer to pop up or have your manager look for something good"

"I prefer having some free time for now. I'll just follow you around on your shooting until I'm ready to start working again" I laugh.

"To be honest, I can't wait for my shooting to end. I am having so much fun but I really miss us hanging out like before"

"You're making me nostalgic, stop it" I say and we both laugh.

"Seriously though, a few more weeks and we'll both be free from work"

"Sounds perfect"

We finished our meal and we relaxed together for a while. Robert took a shower and since he was tired I joined him on the bed and I fell asleep soon after he did.

The Making Of A Legend (Leaked Sequel/RDJ FanFic) Where stories live. Discover now