There was Jin holding two bags and the others behind him.

"Hey y/n. It appears Namjoon accidentally took two of your bags. It's your toiletries?" Jin stated and I catch Namjoon blushing.

"Oh. Okay thanks. Do you want to come in?"

"Sure." Jin flashed a smile and entered the room with the others following. I closed the door behind them and gestured to the three other boys who were lounging on the couch. Dashing over to my bathroom in my room, I place the items in the bags away.

Stepping out and closing the door behind me, Yoongi and Namjoon had taken seats on the loveseat next to the couch. Thankfully it appears I had enough places to sit due to the big L-shaped couch in front of the tv, the love seat next to it, and three bean bag chairs to the side. I like furniture, so what? There was also an armchair behind the couch that I have been procrastinating on moving into my room. I still haven't made space for it.

"Do you guys want anything to drink? We didn't even eat dinner yet huh. Or are you guys hungry? Are you sure you guys aren't too tired right now?"

"Nah, I think we're fine. Don't worry, it's not too late." Namjoon responded.

"Alright. If you're sure. Unless you guys want me to whip up some simple bowls of ramen? I bought a lot today."

"Ooh yeah. That sounds good right now!" Taehyung exclaims.

"So is that six bowls? You all are hungry right?"

"Yes. That would be great." Yoongi responded. I nod and retreat to the kitchen where Jin and Hobi were looking through my fridge.

"Stealing my food already? Would you guys like some ramen as well?"

"Stealing your food? Never! As for the ramen, that would be nice." Jin said and I quickly grab eight bowls and set them on the table. I fill a huge pot of water and start boiling it.

"Could you guys open the ramen half-way and add the flavoring?" I asked as I look for a ladle around the kitchen. They respond a 'yes' and I hear them opening the packs.

After a couple minutes, the water was boiling. Jin helped bring the bowls over as I filled them with water and Hoseok brought them to the table to close them. The process was quick and soon all the bowls were steamed and ready to eat.

"Guys! Grab a bowl if you want." I said as the others entered the room and grabbed one for themselves.

"Sorry, I didn't expect to have this many guests over. Like ever. So we can just eat in the living room. Take several napkins and please don't make a mess." They nodded in response and all left to congregate in the living room.

I took the last bowl and took the lid off, picking up all the others' lids that were discarded on the table, I brought them to the trash. I fill up eight glasses of water and place them on a tray before bringing them out to the coffee table between the guys. Once I finish laying the drinks out, I grab my food and join the others. Jin and Hoseok sat next to each other on the other end of the couch which left the corner for me to sit on.

I start eating once I got comfortable and the movie they selected was Avengers: Infinity Wars. The only sounds throughout the room was the quiet beginning of the movie and the occasional slurps of noodles.


A/N: We hit 50! And we haven't even hit the actual conflict yet 😔✊

Here is my belated Christmas present! *Awkwardly spreads arms out with half an effort*

Question time! (It's actually getting hard to think of simple but fun questions) 

I know Christmas is over, but I'm still throwing out a Christmas themed question! 

Technically the moral of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, is that even though you are unique, no one will like you unless you're useful. (Just kidding ahaha.... unless.) 

So, who is your favorite reindeer? 

(There are people that exist that prefer one of them 🤠 If you don't know Santa's reindeers, just look them up ig lol) So, I like Comet. 

And another incredible fanart by bonnehh_! Thank you so much 💜💜💜 This just screams talent and I love it 🤗

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And another incredible fanart by bonnehh_! Thank you so much 💜💜💜 This just screams talent and I love it 🤗

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